Memory: Loki and Thor

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thankyou for reading my story, and if you've made it this far, congrats! I will try to deviate from the Loki and Thor chapters- I just love them so much! My favourite duo ever! There will be a few chapters dotted amongst the others that aren't actually scenes in the MCU (wish they were tho) but are just memories from our characters. Next chapter will be a Clint chapter which I promise will be released in the next three, four days. But for now- pranks and angst! (TW: there will be semi-graphic descriptions of torture near the end of the chapter.)

"Hey, Voice!" Peter called out. "What are we watching next?" 

Next, we are watching one of Loki's and Thor's memories from their childhoods. Voice explained.

On cue, the screen lit up with color, and everyone turned in anticipation.

A much younger Loki and Thor appeared, Thor looking thirteen years old and Loki about eleven. Loki was reading on his bed, sitting cross legged with a green leather-bound book on his lap. His curly black hair fell over his forehead, a stark contrast to his milky white skin and emerald eyes.
"Loki," Thor pleaded, belly flopping onto the bed and making Loki lose his page. Loki sent a glare in his direction.
"What do you WANT, Thor." Loki snapped irritably. 
"Pleaasssee, Brother." Thor said, giving Loki his best puppy eyes. "I'm so BORED, and think of all those visiting people! The feast is going to be so dull, why can't we spice it up a little? Remember what you did last time?"
Loki immediately set down his book, marking his page with a ribbon. "Yes." Loki smirked. "That was hilarious. Your face when your beer tipped over your head like that... You thought it was a ghost that poured it over you." Loki snickered.

"Wait, wait, wait." Bruce interrupted. "You mean, you were drinking beer when you were, what, fourteen years old?" 

"Thirteen in Midgardian years, actually." Thor said pleasantly. "Aye, I was. We all were. Good for growth."

Now everyone was staring at Thor in disbelief. Loki sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "Thor, Midgardians are not allowed to drink until they are twenty one years old. About 1400 in Asgardian years." He added, seeing his brother's look of confusion. Thor choked on his own spit. 

"What?" He choked out, in between coughs. 

Loki just rolled his eyes, Bruce shaking his head in disbelief, opening his mouth to speak. Everyone took this as a prompt to turn back to the screen, and the memory resumed.

Thor pouted. "Funny for you, perhaps. Not for me." 
"Funny to even your friends." Loki countered. He lent forward, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Even to the lovely Sif."
Thor's only response was to blush beetroot red.

There were several cat-calls of, "Whoooooo!", throughout the theater. Thor glared at them all. "It was years ago!" He shouted. Everyone opted to ignore him.

Thor cleared his throat. "So?" He said, fidgeting a little.
"So, you'll see." Loki said. "Just, when I say so, drop your plate, alright? Get Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg to do the same, if you can. Make a distraction, you know. And I'm sure you'd rather not be the victim again. I have just the right idea in mind." His eyes twinkled with mischief, and Thor nodded eagerly. 
The scene changed to a lavishly decorated hall, golden drapes and tapestries in rich color draped on the walls. Long tables set with gold cutlery and glittering white porcelain plates went the length of the hall, and huge plates of food adorned the tables, ranging from large slices of juicy meat to jewel-encrusted bowls of the sweetest fruit.

Loki and Thor smirked at the others' expressions. "My God." Rhodey whispered. "You're fucking rich."

Tony suddenly let out a long wail, startling everyone. He fell to his knees dramatically, turning his head to the sky. "I seem POOR compared to you, Thor!" Tony practically sobbed. "I'm POOR!"

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