Not an update- Chapter release info

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Hey guys, sorry this isn't an update! Just wanted to let you guys know that what with school and tests, I don't have much time on my plate. I will still be updating! I will be updating at least once a week, twice if I have time. Most likely on the weekend, but sometimes on other days too. Next chapter should be coming out this weekend, sorry for the delay! 

Thankyou all for reading my story, you're all amazing!


UPDATE: I am so sorry! My laptop is broken, and it has to have its screen replaced. Unfortunately, that means I won't be able to update for the next week/ week and a half. I know, I'm a terrible person! But I have lots of good ideas up here 🧠 so you'll get some good chapters after! Sorry again!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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