Chapter 6

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I finally cleaned myself up, and I can't stop thinking about the event that happened a few minutes ago. I feel very guilty for it, but Yeonjun was being fucking greedy about it.

As I was walking back to the supply room, I heard a familiar voice.

"I promise."

Jake? Why was he out of bed? He should be sleeping right now.

I got to the end of the hallway and peeked out from the corner. I saw Jake and other doctors surrounding the room and the dead body. The one that I caused because Yeonjun was being a dick and started begging me for blood.

I heard footsteps and quickly turned to see where the noise came from. As I looked, I saw Jake starting to move in my direction. I quickly ran into a room and slammed the door, hiding behind it.

I heard a voice speak up. "Hm, weird."

The footsteps start to disappear.

Once I was sure that the sound was gone, I peeked out the door and got out of the room. I quietly closed the door and acted like nothing happened.

I opened Jake's door and I was "surprised" when I saw him awake. "Jake? You're awake? It's too early." I say as I walk up to the side of the bed. "How's your leg?"

"I know it's too early, but I'm not tired. As for my leg, it's doing well. It's still a bit sore, but I'm sure it'll heal by Tuesday." He responded, looking out the window. I could tell he's not feeling well by the look on his face.

I look at the calendar on the wall, today's a Sunday. "Ah, I see." I turn back to Jake, who's still avoiding eye contact with me. "Hey, you okay? You don't seem like yourself today."

Jake nods slowly then slowly looks up at me. "Yeah, I'm fine." He seemed worried, almost like he was thinking about something nonstop.

"Alright, just making sure." I say as I look back down at Jake. "I should get going now. You know what to do if you need me."

Jake nods as I leave the room and close the door. I feel bad for Jake, and this is the first time I've ever felt this way about someone. Everytime I look at him, I just feel weird... in a good way. Is this what they call 'a crush'?

I brush it off and get to my regular work.


Later today, Jake's three friends visited again. They seem more annoying than last time. At least Taehyun also visited. Strange how they visit on the same day.

"So Taehyun, how's life?" I ask, leaning on the wall while looking at Jake and his friends.

"It's going pretty well. Beomgyu and I have been really close lately." He says, smiling.

I nod. "I see. I just hope he doesn't figure out about you."

Taehyun tilts his head in confusion. "Huh? Figure what about me?" It took him a while before he realized. "Oh, me neither. I just want a happy future."

"Yeah, especially the rule of life. Never fall in love with a vampire." I say mockingly. "So stupid, they only think we're a bunch of blood sucking creatures."

"I mean, we kind of are..." I hit Taehyun on the shoulder. "Ow! Well, sometimes us vampires just want love too."

I nod in agreement. "I agree. But I don't think I'll ever find love." I sigh. "It's not like I want one anyway."

"Sure you do. Keep lying to yourself." Taehyun chuckles as he secretly points at Jake, who is laughing and smiling with his friends.

God, he sure looks cute.

I roll my eyes at him. "As if."

"Okay, if you say so."

"We're nothing more than doctor and patient. It'll be a bit weird, don't you think?"

"Ehh... No? It happens in movies."

"...Oh. Why are we even talking about this?" I say as I look down at Taehyun.

"I don't know." He hums before looking up at me. "Also, I'm pretty sure he'll like you back."

"Shut up. We're off of that topic now."

"Alright, alright fine." He rolls his eyes and stares at Beomgyu.

I look at Taehyun and back at Jake. I smile a bit because of how cute he is, but I quickly cleared my throat before speaking up.

"By the way, can you tell Yeonjun to stop being a fucking wimp and get some blood for himself?"

Taehyun nods. "Will do. Yeonjun can be arrogant sometimes though, so it's not surprising."

"You're right, He relies on me because I work at a hospital." I shake my head. "Oh, Yeonjun... When will you ever learn?"

"Taehyun!" Beomgyu suddenly calls out and runs towards us. "We have to go." He turned his head towards me. "Sorry for suddenly taking Taehyun, my great sir."

He laughs. "Sorry, Hee. I'll see you around." We both wave goodbye and I watch them walk out the door. They seem so... happy together.

When can I find that happiness?

literally falling behind by laufey 🤤

a bit rushed ig so it may not make sense

ok bye

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