Chapter 9

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"I'm worried, what if he—"

"Relax, he's not gonna die."

Soobin and Ni-ki have been comforting me ever since Heeseung got taken out. I couldn't help but hyperventilate about Heeseung getting in danger. I put my hands on my head, "But, what if—"

"Jake!" Both say in unison, trying to stop me from my train of thought. I turn my head towards them and tilt my head to signify that I'm listening.

Soobin sighs. "Jake. If you're going to keep this up, then you're gonna end up having an obsession with the dude and you're gonna be delusional every five seconds. We don't want that, don't we?"

Ni-ki nods. "And besides, he's your doctor. Doctors and patients can't date, unless well— they were originally in a relationship." He shrugs. "Who knows though?"

I look at them with a blank expression and groan. "It's not the same. He's not just any doctor–"

"Oh, we're back to this?" "Riki, let the poor man speak."

"He's literally the best man alive. The hair, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the body, the HANDS? Literally everyone's dream man." I said, sighing like a hopeless high school boy in love. "And what do you mean doctors and patients can't date? It can be like the dramas."

Ni-ki snorts. "Are you fucking serious right now? This is reality, Jake. Get your head out of the clouds. You still have a shit ton of vampires to hunt after you recover. No time for hopeless drama love scenarios."

"Riki's right. We almost forgot that vampires are going on a biting spree. Not to mention the other possible species that are alive, like werewolves or sirens." (SPOILER) Soobin remarked.

The room buzzed with a cocktail of panic and confusion. I stared at Soobin and Ni-ki, their words bouncing around my skull.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I stammered, trying to process everything. "Werewolves? Sirens? This is getting ridiculous. This can't be real, right?"

Soobin ran a hand through his hair, a worried crease forming between his brows. "Look, Jake, we know it sounds crazy. But trust us, things are more complicated than just bloodsuckers with fangs."

Ni-ki chimes in, still glaring at Soobin. "See, this is why we didn't want to tell you! Now you're gonna be even more paranoid."

I take a deep breath, trying to process everything. Werewolves and sirens? This situation just went from vampire-hunting to full-blown supernatural apocalypse.

"Okay," I say slowly. "So, what do we do about this new information? Are there any special tactics for dealing with werewolves or sirens?"

Soobin and Ni-ki exchange hesitant looks.

"Uh," Soobin mumbles, "not exactly. We haven't really had to deal with anything other than vamps before. But there might be some old texts in the library..."

A spark of determination ignites in my chest. "Then that's where we're going. We need all the intel we can get before things get any crazier."

Ni-ki groans. "Seriously? More research? Can't we just focus on getting you healthy first?"

I fix him with a steely gaze. "Healthy and prepared. We can't afford to be caught off guard, especially not with Heeseung out there."

"Of course you would want to include Heeseung in this." Ni-ki scoffed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

A flicker of concern crosses Soobin's face. "Speaking of Heeseung," he says cautiously, "we still haven't heard anything about what's taking so long..."

The air crackles with tension. I clench my jaw, the sharp throb in my leg momentarily forgotten. "He wouldn't just disappear, would he?"

Ni-ki throws his hands up in exasperation. "Look, I get that you're worried, but freaking out won't help. Maybe he just hit a snag with the retrieval or something."

"I guess you're right... Maybe he's just using the bathroom."

"Jake, focus on resting and we'll go to the library. We'll be back." Soobin said, turning towards the door and opening it. "Come on, Ni-ki."

"I'm coming. Geez." Ni-ki groans and walks towards Soobin. "See you, Jake. Rest well."


not proofread ;-;

another spoiler: skz

I had to make the story more interesting... right??

ok bye

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