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What the fuck is he doing?

One moment I'm lost in those brown eyes staring at me from the other end of the cafeteria and the next moment I see my best friend walking towards those brown eyes.

Before he could go any further, I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. "Where the fuck are you going?" I asked, my eyes going back that girl, who was now busy talking with Alya and Hridhay.

"Ain't roaming on your father's property, or yours." He removed my hand from his shoulder. "I don't have to report you." He gave me a cheeky smile and continued walking.

"I swear if you talk about me-" I warm him, knowing how he is.

He turned around midway, pausing near the table. "Aww hush you, pick me." He cooed. "I'm going to meet my new friend." And with that he went to their table and stood beside her.

I watched as he smiled down at her and she threw him a small smile. They were talking, I could see their lips moving but couldn't make out what they were saying.

But wait a second. Did he just call her his new friend? How did that happen?

A hand slapped my back and I turned around to find Danish standing behind me. "Where's Nakul?" He asked.

"There." I said.

"Oh," He nodded, looking at the trash can in the corner filled with wrappers and plastics. "-right. Good."

We took our food from the counter and found an empty table. Once settled, the brothers joined us and we ate our food listening to Vicky and Rohan discussing about their family matters and Danish inserting his nonsense inputs in between. I tried listening to them, nodding my head at times, and ignored the urge to look behind my shoulder.

Why do I care if Nakul is talking to some girl? It's not the first time he's sitting with a girl. But then, why am I feeling this way towards her? Towards someone whom I know nothing about, except the color of her eyes, the shape of her nose, the way her eyes widen in shock, the way she holds my gaze with hers and that's it.

I don't even know her name.

I shouldn't be feeling this strange pull towards her. I should rein myself in and not do something stupid. Something I've vowed not to do again.

Let him do whatever he wants with her, he'll eventually come and tell us. I just have to be patient and not act like a desperate person.

But then, at some point the band of my stupid patience snaps when I hear loud laughter from that same table and I find myself turning and peeking behind my shoulder. What was so funny?

I narrowed my eyes at the sight in front of me. There was my best friend, sitting beside the girl, barking laughs like a fucking dog. As if he could sense it, he looked up at me and purposely started laughing even more. Alya, Hridhay and the girl joined him too. Nakul raised his palm towards her, suggesting a high-five and she slapped her palm against his, holding her stomach with the other, all while laughing.

Having enough of this shit, I stood up from the chair. The voices around our table came to an abrupt stop at my sudden motion and all three heads tilted up, staring at me. "Where are you going?" Rohan asked, his eyes moving back and forth from me to Nakul.

"Out." I marched to their table, my eyes throwing draggers at Nakul. I don't give a fuck about the reason behind this anger and I don't care if I'll be confirming Nakul's suspicion with this.

I stopped at their table, standing behind Nakul. Fuck it, standing close behind her. Call it an instinct or whatever, but as stood behind her, I took a deep inhale, my eyes closing shut at her feminine scent. So, this is what she smells like. Another thing added to the things-I-know-nothing-about-her-except.

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