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A T T E N T I O N •

This is a revised and most advised-to-read version of Feeling The Greys.

The old version is an incomplete one and I advise and request you to follow this story because our Shrey and Shivani's story will be continued and finished here.

The old version will be kept as it is and will not be continued further.

I hope the ones who've read the previous version of FTG will show their love for this new one too and I hope you all will love this one as much as you did the previous one. I'm so so so nervous but excited at the same time to begin this again with you all.

And the new readers (if I get one), I hope you enjoy this story and like what I'm writing.

I have so much to say but I don't want to make this look like a chapter. But no worries, you'll be getting long author's note (jk).

The updates will be on Mondays and Thursdays. 

This story is completely based on writer's imagination. If any name, place, incident, or anything relates to the real life then it's a complete coincidence.

All rights reserved.

Neither the story nor a single part of the story should be copied or modify in any terms without my permission.

Remember, plagiarism is a crime.

No hate comments are allowed. Your hate comments will be deleted.

The story is not meant to hurt anyone of you.

English is my third language. So you'll find few errors. You're free to comment the errors but not in a harsh or rude way.

This story can be read by young readers who are sixteen or above.

This book doesn't contain dark mature themes. But there will be strong language and intimate scenes in this book.

Last but not the least,

Show some of your precious love and support by commenting. And reviews will be appreciated.

Don't forget to add this book in your library as well as in your reading lists. It'll mean a lot to me :)

• T I M E L I N E •

(Just to keep a track)

STARTED : 29 April, 2024

♡ Happy Readings ♡

© shewrotewhattt 2024

Feeling The Greys (revised version) Where stories live. Discover now