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I leaned back on my elbows, adjusted the shades on my eyes and whistled, ignoring my friends bitching about me.

Jealousy suits them nice.

The corner of my lips tugged up as my thoughts went to Shivi. She must have checked the result sheet. She must be shocked. She must be confused. She must be furious.

I didn’t know playing with her would be this fun. I’m just waiting for her to find out. Will she find out? She might’ve asked for the answer sheets. That’s the only way she’ll know.

“You fucker! How did you score the highest marks?” I yawned, tired of hearing the same thing from the past twenty minutes.

“What did Shivani teach you that Alya didn’t teach me?” Nakul threw his cap at me and it landed on my chest. Smirking, I wiped the inside of it and put it on my head.

“You were on the verge of failing and now, you’re among the toppers? How?” Rohan questioned. “You cheated, didn’t you?” He accused.

“Of course he did. How else would he get all the questions correct?” Vicky stood beside his cousin.

“I don’t have a problem with you coming first but at least you should’ve shared your idea with me too.” Danish said.

“No one’s having a problem with him scoring top marks, idiot.” Nakul glared at him. He sat next to me and said, “We just want to know what you did.” He leaned closer and whispered, “And how the fuck did Shivani failed.”

I turned to him. “I don’t know how she failed.” I whispered. “And, if you guys—” My eyes caught the movement behind Nakul’s head and I saw Shivi marching towards us.

Her strides were angry and furious. Her palms were clenched, one holding some paper. Her minions followed her; Alya on her left, an angry scowl on her face and Hridhay behind them, looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but here.

I laughed, mentally, thinking about what was going to happen.

“Why are they walking like they’re going in a war?” Danish asked, his brows furrowed as he along with everyone else looked at them. 

“Why is Shivani looking…mad?” Rohan’s eyes narrowed at me. “Did you do something?”

“I guess—” I stood up and stretched my arms above my head. “—you guys are about to get your answers.”

“Hi, Shivi.” I smiled. She stood in front of me, throwing daggers through her eyes. My brows furrowed as I noticed slight redness bordering the brim of her eyes. All the playfulness, mischief and smiles from earlier vanished as I looked at her. “Are you—were you crying?” I asked.

She glared at me. “Thanks to you. But, none of your business.” She spat, furiously.

I blinked. “What?”

“You cheater.” She put her palms on my chest and gave me a push. “You lied to me! I helped you and in return what did you do?” Her eyes moved over my face. “Don’t give me that look! Don’t act smart and innocent.” She gritted out.

“I want you to elaborate, Shivi.”

The next thing I knew, she grabbed the collar of my t-shirt in a fist and yanked me towards her. “Don’t call me that ever again. And, I don’t care what you want. I want a confession, an apology and you to never show me your again.”

I clicked my tongue against my teeth. “Tsk, you can’t get everything you want. Either a confession or an apology.”

She yanked the collar of my t-shirt further, putting her face just mere inches away from mine. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils as I breathed in her scent. “You did wrong. You have to apologize to me.”

Feeling The Greys (revised version) Where stories live. Discover now