LONG DAY Coco Cruz (1/1)

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coco comes home to his girlfriend after a long day with the mayans. 

*short and sweet. not proofread or edited

naya rivera as GABRIELA FLORES

richard cabral as JOHNNY COCO CRUZ

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richard cabral as JOHNNY COCO CRUZ

It'd been a long day, and Coco was beat

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It'd been a long day, and Coco was beat. After pulling up to the curb and shutting off his bike, he took a long deep breath before pulling out his pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his cut. Once it was lit, he let his weight rest heavy on the seat of his bike, and he took a few quiet moments to do nothing but enjoy the hand rolled tobacco.

He glanced up at the apartment building. Most of the windows were dark since it was nearing three in the morning, but four floors up and six to the right, the window was illuminated by the soft light of a reading lamp. He smiled to himself and shook his head. Was she waiting up for him or could she just not fall asleep?

Coco pulled out his cellphone next and dialed her number. She hated talking on the phone, but he was old fashioned when it came to communication. After a few rings, she answered with a soft and sleepy hello. She'd been asleep, and Coco felt a tinge of guilt.

"Hey, baby girl. Did I wake you?" he asked.

"Mhm, I must've fallen asleep on the couch."

Coco looked back up at the light in the window. "I'm sorry. I'm downstairs. I was just having a smoke real quick."

"The doors unlocked," she whispered softly, and he heard the rustling of blankets in the background. "You didn't have to call."

Coco rolled his eyes. "I told you to stop doin' that. Anybody could just walk in."

"You worry too much. I survived twenty-five years without you. I think I'll be okay."

"Hush," he said, tossing the cigarette butt to the ground.

"I'm hanging up now. Get up here."

Coco laughed when the line clicked, and being the gentleman that he was, he obliged. He took the elevator up, and when he got to her floor, he found the front door was indeed unlocked to anyone who wanted to come through. She did it for him so he could come in whenever he got done with the club, but it drove him crazy. She grew up in a comfortable neighborhood with decent neighbors. He didn't. He knew the dangers that came with an unlocked door.

Inside, he found that she'd flipped off the lamp, and it was completely dark in the apartment. She was no longer on the couch, but the pile of blankets were still strewn out on the side she must've been curled up on.

Coco kicked off his boots and pulled off his cut. There was a coatrack beside the door, and he draped the leather over one of the hooks before making his way down the hallway by memory alone as his eyes adjusted. He found Gabriela already in bed, but with the moon as his guide, he could see that her eyes were open. When he came in, she held out and hand to him and he eagerly closed the distance.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips, and he could feel her smile against him. "Hi, baby," he whispered.


Coco stood back up. "I'm gonna shower. I smell worse than yesterday, and that's sayin' something."

Gabriela laughed and shoved him away. "Don't come near my clean sheets then."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Twenty minutes later, Coco came back out in a pair of clean boxers to find Gabriela out of bed standing in front of the mirror. He could see now that she was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, so much of her golden skin on show. She was braiding her long hair into a single plait, her fingers working nimbly. The moon was shining in bright enough so she didn't need a light.

He came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist, pressing his face into the crook of her neck, leaving soft kisses at her collarbone. Goosebumps rippled up and down her arm, making him smile. When she didn't turn her attention to him, his hands wandered, and she giggled, pressing back against him.

"You're distracting me," she whispered, turning her head to look up at him.

"Not enough." He stole a kiss. She tasted like the mint toothpaste they shared

Gabriela pulled away and nudged him back toward the bed. Coco did as she wanted and got in on his side. Instead of walking around to hers, she climbed over him, and Coco tried his hardest to hold her hips in place as she straddled his waist, but she gave him a few playful swats before rolling onto the mattress.

"You're not the only one whose had a long day," she said, sitting up to kiss him once more with one hand planted against the naked skin of his chest.

Coco took her by the back of her neck and held her there. There was nothing like coming home to his girl after a day like today. He'd avoided relationships for so much of his life, but now that he had a steady one with a woman way out of his league, he felt like he'd been a fool to wait so long.

The kiss deepened, and he used his other hand to drag her closer until she was laying over him, and she allowed it. He knew she had to be up early, and he felt guilty for keeping her up, but he could also be a selfish bastard. His lips moved down her neck to the place that made her weak. He nipped at the sensitive skin with his teeth

"Johnny," she said breathlessly as she pulled back. He loved it when she used his real name, and she knew it. 


"I have to be up in four hours."

Coco pressed his nose against the side of her face and groaned. "I know, I'm sorry."

Gabriela brushed her finger along his bottom lip. "So am I." Her hand moved further down his body to the band of his boxers, but he snatched her up at the wrist. She laughed again and rolled back over onto her back.

"Don't you fuckin' tease me," he said while pulling the sheet up over the both of them. "It's mean. Now go to sleep."

While she found his suffering amusing, Coco just shook his head, but he couldn't stop from smiling. For the first time in his life, he had something good to hold on to. Something that had nothing to do with the club. And he was happy.

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