FRONT PORCH Angel Reyes (3/3)

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*unedited and barely proofread. this is so long. like 6k words long. idk how that happened, but enjoy this very overdue conclusion. the first half of this has been sitting in my drafts for quite literally a year or longer, but it's finally done, so yay.

Much like the first time she stayed the night with Angel, Savannah woke up before him. This time, she was in no rush to get up. Instead, she laid and admired him. He looked peaceful, his eyelids fluttering with dreams, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Angel truly was beautiful in a raw sort of way, all tanned skin and tattoos, his body littered with scars from what, she didn't know. Not the kind of beautiful you'd compare a woman to or a fine piece of art, but worthy of praise all the same.

As she watched him sleep, Savannah began to wonder. About Julian, about her life, and the things she really wanted. She let herself fantasize a path she'd never had the chance to have. One with the man beside her or someone like him where the two of them were free from all the chaos. Where it was just him and her on the back of a Harley, nothing but the endless road ahead of them. She knew it was dangerous. It went against every vow she swore to her husband before the eyes of God, but she couldn't say Julian had fulfilled his own to her.

With Julian, there was no sense of adventure. He was perfectly content with his life just the way it was, never seeking out more. Maybe that was the tragedy in falling in love so young. Maybe, without consciously thinking about it, they'd outgrown each other. It didn't mean she didn't love him, but she didn't see how they'd ever end up back at the same place at the same time.

Savannah was so lost inside her own head, she didn't notice Angel had woken until he shifted and turned on his side to face her. When he reached out to brush a finger along her cheek, her eyes closed. Just a simple touch from him sent a ripple down her spine. A few quiet moments passed like that as he slowly woke up.

"What are we doing, Angel?" she asked, her voice barely audible in the space between them.

Angel said nothing, running his finger down her neck and along her arm, down further to glide over the curve of her waist. Angel's eyes followed the movements with sleepy focus.

"I remember the day the two of you moved in next door." His voice was low, still raspy as he cleared his throat. "I thought you two were cute as hell, all newlywedded and happy and shit. I thought you were too hot for him, no doubt. I definitely remember that," he teased, and she swatted his chest with a smirk, thinking back to that day. "I envied that."

"That feels like a lifetime ago."

"Neighbors you know, we see a lot of shit," Angel continued on like she hadn't even spoken. "I'm not as smart as my brother, but I'm pretty observant, and I watched things change." That's when his eyes flickered up to meet hers. "He came home less, and that pretty little smile you always used to wear stopped brightening up my front lawn."

That caught her off guard. She never knew the mysterious Mayan one lawn over was watching her, noticing things the average person wouldn't. "You noticed me?" A soft smile pulled at his lips.

"'Course I did. You were the unobtainable hottie next door." Angel turned on his back to look up at the ceiling, an arm draped over his stomach, the other up behind his head. "I used to try and come up with excuses to talk to you. It was some real schoolyard bullshit." He laughed.

Savannah thought hard on that. All the times he'd offered to carry in the groceries for her or ask if she wanted him to mow the lawn while he was already doing his. She hadn't realized those were well thought out plots on his part. She just thought he was the friendly neighbor. "You had a crush on me," she teased, grinning.

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