Chapter 3- You Still Owe Me 15K

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~Luke's POV~
I was finishing up my run, heading back to Frankie's place when I heard a loud engine. I checked my surroundings and saw a truck racing behind me. I took a detour to clear the car but I had to jump a fence to get somewhat safe. The pickup hit the fence as I jumped over. I recognized the truck.

"Those were some obstacle course moves right there, kid. Whoo!" He yelled out.
"What the hell, Johnno?" I asked him.
He looked me up and down. "So it's true, huh? I heard you joined the Marines." He said and started laughing. "And I was like, there's no way that dude will pass a piss test." He said.

I scoffed and then he opened up a section of the fencing, opening it, motioning me to come back to the other side of the fence. "Right this way, soldier." He said.
I hesitated, but did so.
"Hop in, bro. Let's chill." He said, walking towards his truck. "I got some good shit in my car..." he started saying, but I stopped him.

"No, no I uh- can't. I'm- I'm clean now. You know I gotta..." I explained, but he finished my sentence.
"Be a good boy for Uncle Sam?" He questioned.
I nervously chuckled a bit, but he just looked at me.

"Well.. it seems like your life is in ship-shape. Expect uh, you still owe me 15 grand. Remember? All the pills you wanted, all the coke? I hooked you up. Now I want my money." He said, getting closer.
"Johnno... don't worry. I-I deploy next week. So I'll get you something by then." I explained to him.

He glared at me. "Good, good that's good. 'Cause, you know, if you don't..." he said getting closer to me, "I know where your family is.." he said quietly.
I gulped back some fear and just stared at him.
He playfully pretending to lunge at me, to which I flinched.

He chuckled, "I'm playing with you, bro. I better see you soon." he said as he got in his truck, speeding off.
I watched him leave and stayed in that spot for a few minutes, letting my nerves cool down before heading back to Frankie's place.

"Yo, Luke, where you been? You said you were going to be back 20 minutes ago." Frankie said as he saw me walk inside.
"Yea, just got lost." I said.
"Lost? You've lived here your whole life." He chuckled.

I just shrugged it off. "Got too in the zone I guess."
Frankie looked at me. "Yo, man, you alright?" He asked me.
"I'm fine, Frankie." I said. No one in the military even knows I did drugs. Aside from my father. Who is a retired Military Police Officer. But he doesn't even know I even enlisted.
"I'm gonna go shower." I said, before he could question me further. I went to the guest room I was staying in and just sat on my bed for a few minutes.
How the hell am I going to pay him back quick enough?


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