Chapter 9- Learning Each Other

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I understand that so far, this book as been pretty much following the movie exactly. However, this is the last chapter that will be like that. From now on, the chapters will be the beginning of the re-write. Yes somethings will still be the same, but I will not be following the movie so closely as far as the transcripts. I am only doing this last chapter so we can learn the more of Cassie and Luke's stories since this is the type of the book where you do not need to know the movie before you read the book.


Dear Luke.

We fell in love so quickly. I figured I'd write you and fill in the gaps that we didn't have time to fill. So... Here's what you need to know about me. Music is... my everything. I started as a kid just singing to myself to drown out what was going on at home. My mom had a string of boyfriends from the base who did nothing but make her miserable. We didn't talk about it. She, uh... She thought I didn't notice, but I did. So while most people learn to speak their feelings out loud or write them into a journal, I learned to make mine into music. My whole life, I've loved to sing, but I'm kind of terrified to sing what I have to say. So I sing covers. I hide behind someone else's words instead. Ironic since I have been told I'm more than opinionated. It's just every time I sit down to write something original, making a living and all my medical problems get in the way. Maybe that's a cop-out, but I guess now that we're married, I'll find out.

Cassie <3


Dear Cassie,

Here's what you should know about me. I'm a third-generation marine. My grandpa fought in the battle of Iwo Jima, and my dad got a Purple Heart for being injured in combat in Desert Storm. After high school, I kind of spun out. I thought that by enlisting, I could earn back my dad's respect. But now, that I'm actually here, I'm starting to understand I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for me. To serve my country and to, uh, be a better man. You know those freak thunderstorms they get by the beach? They used to scare the sh¡t out of me. My dad was a hard-ass about it, but I remember once, he let my brother and me bring our sleeping bags in and crash on the floor. Our family like that, all together, when it was storming out, it's one of my best memories. Not long after that, my mom got sick, and my dad retired from the Corps to take care of her. He went to every single one of her chemo appointments. Sat up all night by her bed when she went to the hospital at the end. That's what love means to me. I guess that's what I want for us.



My dear husband.

Car ride over plane ride. Breakfast tacos over late-night tacos, with lots of hot sauce. Lots of it. I've never left California, but my dream is to circle the globe with my band someday. If I were home more, I'd have a pet iguana. Shut up. They're highly intelligent.

Your Love ❤️

My darling wife.

Nothing ruins a taco more than hot sauce. It totally kills the flavor. Someday I'm going to run a marathon in every major city. That's how I'm going to see the world. And I don't mean to burst your bubble, but an iguana isn't in the cards for us. The only pet I've ever had was a goldfish I won at the state fair.

Your Love <3

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