Chapter 10- First Call

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~Cassie's POV~
Luke has been deployed for about a week now. We've been texting and emailing each other almost daily. Having to keep up this act. It's been... kinda fun honestly, I won't lie.

We have a FaceTime call set up today and I'm a bit nervous since we really have to act like a couple now. I went to work in the morning, delivering food with DoorDash for a few hours before going back home and getting on a call with Luke.

Once the call went through I saw him and I gave a small smile, "hi" I said.
Luke adjusted the camera a bit, "hey, can you see me?" He asked.
I nodded, "yea yea I can see you, can you see me?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded, "yea... so.. how was your day babe?" He asked me.
I nodded a bit and put on a smile, "yea, yea it was good. I worked... and um, I went to the store... wrote a song..." I started explaining my day, then Luke cut me off.
"Wait you wrote a song? Really? That quick?" He asked me.
I chuckled a bit and nods, "uh yea, that's... you know, what I do." I explained.

"Do you have any... examples?" He asked.
I laughed a bit, "you mean demos? No, not yet, just some lyrics for now, but I promise by next week the end of this week I'll have a demo." I said. Since we've scheduled calls every Monday evening and Friday mornings.
Luke gave a small smile and nods, "alright, well I'll be waiting." He said.

I looked at him through my screen and couldn't help but smile as well, I didn't know why, but it felt nice. "Can't wait for you to hear it..." I said.
Luke gave another smile.

We talked for about another 20 minutes before Luke spoke up again, "alright well, I'll let you go, since it's probably getting late for you.. have you eaten dinner yet?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "not yet... I was probably going to order in." I said.
He nods, "sounds nice, well I'll talk to you later... I love you." He said.
When he said that, I froze for a second, but then eventually snapped out of it, "yea... ditto.... Um, love you too..." I said.

And then he ended the call.
I stared at the black screen infront of me, thinking about our short call together.
How do people do this with people they actually love? Just a 20 minute conversation 1-2 times a week?

I sighed and closed my computer, eventually getting up and ordering some Chinese food. I looked up the ingredients on the site and looked at the nutrition information of each component I was getting, then prepped my insulin for the meal. Next week, I go to the hospital on base to get a glucose monitor put in. It will make my life so much easier. I can't wait.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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