Chapter 7- You May Kiss The Bride

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~Cassie's POV~
I knew Luke was going to be at my apartment any minute and I quickly put my sneakers on. I got the text from him that he was outside and grabbed my purse, getting out of my apartment. I saw him walk over and he immediately spoke.

"No." He said firmly.
I was confused, about to walk downstairs. "What?" I asked
"You can't wear that."
I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a grey
cropped tank top and black jean shorts with some tennis shoes. I honestly didn't think anything was wrong with my outfit. "Why?" I asked him.

"Because we're taking wedding photos. You have to dress a certain way." He explained.
I rolled my eyes. "Seriously?" I asked.
He looked fed up, "No. I'm coming up." He said, going up the stairs.
Once he got up to my apartment door, I stopped him, "There's no fluffy virgin white wedding dress in there, Commando." I told him.
He looked at me, "Stop calling me that." He said firmly.

I rolled my eyes and opened my door, letting him inside.
"Make yourself comfortable." I told him.
I walked into my bedroom and looked around a bit, thinking about what I own.

~Luke's POV~
I looked around at Cassie's apartment. It was cozy. I noticed a piano and guitar in her room.
"Do you play?" I asked her.
She looked over at the instruments and chuckled, "No, it's just to impress guys." She said.
I laughed a bit as well.
"You impressed?" She asked, "I'm a musician. It's what I do. My band and I have been working at it for like, five years." She went on to say.
I sucked the air between my teeth, "That's gotta be rough." I said.

"Rough would be punching the clock at some soul-sucking job while I'm just making the rich richer. I'd rather hustle for my art any day." She explained.

I glanced over at her, looking at her through the mirror, seeing she was undressed. I noticed a tattoo on her back.
She then noticed me staring so I looked away, "Uh..." I said and cleared my throat.
Cassie looked at me and then shut the door with her foot, "Uh, hi." She said.

"So, what does the tattoo say?" I asked, " 'Socialism Now'?" I chuckled.
I heard her laugh as well, "You're really clever..." she said, "No, it says..." she said something in Spanish, I couldn't understand a word she said.
"Someone, something, I..." I said.

I heard her laugh again, "Risk nothing, gain nothing." She explained, "It's something my grandma said to my mom when she moved to America."

Then she opened the door to her bedroom, wearing this nice white dress that was a bit see through. She looked nice, really nice.
"Hello, my prince." She said. "Today is the day that our credit scores shall become intertwined."
I kinda just stared at her for a second, not knowing what to do or say but I just nodded a bit.
Soon we took her car and drove to the courthouse.

~Cassie's POV~
Soon, we finally go to the courthouse. We both got out of my car and started walking over.
Luke cleared his throat as we walked. "You know, you really look the part." He said.

I looked at him slightly, "What does that mean?" I asked.
Luke hesitated a bit with his next words, "You look pretty." He said.
I chuckled, "Your blushing bride."

Soon we got inside and we could hear other weddings taking place here too. We walked through the metal detectors and then saw Frankie sitting in a chair in a hallway.

I smiled softly at Frankie and he got up.
"Hi." He smiled and hugged me.
I hugged him back. "Thank you for coming." I said.
"Of course." He said.

Then I looked at Luke, "Oh, did you get rings?" I asked him.
"Uh..." he said, looking at Frankie.
Then Frankie handed me a small box. "Here." He said.
"Oh my God, you bought a real ring?" I asked and looked at Luke.
"Well..." he said and looked at Frankie.
"Me. I did. " I heard Frankie say.
I looked at him, "What?" I asked.
"I got it for Riley." He said with a smile on his face. "I've been saving up since I enlisted." He explained as I open the box and saw a silver band with a green circle stone in the middle of it. It was really a nice ring.

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