Chapter 5- I Have A Plan

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~Luke's POV~
I was on another run. I found myself by my brother's mechanic shop, I stopped outside and saw my dad with my nephew. Soon my dad left and left my nephew, Spencer, playing basketball by himself.

Soon, however, he spotted me, "Uncle Luke? What are you doing?" He asked
I laughed a bit and ran over to him, grabbing ball and playing with him a bit before we went inside. Where we saw his mom, my sister-in-law, at the register.
"Mom, I found Uncle Luke hiding." Spencer said.

She looked up and saw me. "Oh my... Luke?" She asked
I laughed, "Busted."
"We didn't think we'd see you before deployment. What?" She laughs, hugging me.
I hug her back and laughed, "Hi, Hailey." I said.
"Wow. It's like hugging a tree trunk." She chuckled. "I didn't think it was possible to get so buff in eight months." Then she picked up Spencer, "What do you think, Spence? Should I join the Marines?"
"Yeah!" He giggled.
"Should I get all ripped like Uncle Luke?" She tickled him and we all laughed.

Then I saw my brother walk in.
We both looked at each other before he spoke, "You, uh..." he laughs a bit, "You look just like Dad with that haircut." Then he opened his arms, "Gimme a hug. Bring it in."
We hugged each other before letting him go, "Good to see you, man." He told me, "You know, Dad's off for the day, so you can breathe."

I sighed, "I think he doesn't wanna see me even more than I don't wanna see him."
My brother looked at me, "The man would have to express some kinda emotion for me to know how he's feeling about you."
I nodded, "Yea, I know. He made it clear when he cut me off."
"Come on, Luke. Dad had to draw the line somewhere. You were so out of control." My brother said.

Then he started working on a car that was on some car that was suspended in the air.
"What's going on, Luke?" He asked me, in a more commanding way. He noticed I was nervous.
"I uh- I owe some money." I said, flat-out. He stopped what he was doing and looked at him.
"We've been here before, and you know..." he said, making his voice to a whisper. "You know I can't help you."
"Yeah. No, no, I... I know... uh I know..." I told him.

My brother rubbed his face and backed up a bit. "God, Is it that piece of sh¡t Johnno, again?" He asked, to which I just nodded my head slightly. "What happens if you don't pay?"
I nervously chuckled a bit, "Not paying isn't an option."
But he was very serious, "He better not come near my family."
I regretted coming here just to ask him for money, "I'm sorry... I'm just in a bad spot." I explained.
"Mm-hmm." He said, continuing to work. And soon, I left.

I went back to Frankie's place and went to the room. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours before I hopped in the shower. Once I got out, I got dressed again, I just put on some jeans and a sweater. Once I put them on, I felt something in my pocket, and noticed it was the receipt that Cassie gave me at the bar.

A few days later, I went over to Johnno's place. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I could hear the loud bass of the music through the door. Soon he came to the door and opened it, letting me in. I handed him some money before sitting on the couch across from him. "I... I just got my pay, so this isn't everything. But I'll get the rest to you soon." I explained.
He counted the money, "Like when?" He asked. "I'm losing my patience. I waited for you through your stupid rehab, and now you're shipping out of town, showing up with a couple hundred bucks when you owe me 15 grand?" He looked up at me.

"I think I've got a plan." I told him.
"You better explain." He said, taking out a gun and cocking it. I tensed up.
"Just take it easy, man." I said.
He looked at me, "Don't make me use this. You gotta pay me." He said
I put my hand out a bit, "Look, Look- just hear me out. I'm gonna pay you. I... I know how." I said.

"How?" He asked me.
"I met this girl who needs health insurance. And if we get married, I get extra money each month from the military. I'll give you my cut. Okay?" I explained.
He looked at me unsure, "You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure. It's gonna be fine." I said.
He put the gun away. "So be smart. This better work. Enjoy your honeymoon." He said, but not in a way to be nice. It was more of a threat.


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