chapter i

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it is now the start of the fifth year. Vivienne, being smart and pretty, started catching attention from guys. In particular, this one group from gryffindor. Peter Pettigrew had grown quite fond of Vivi it seemed. She found this strange - they had never even talked before what could he like about her? but she was not very bothered. Although she had no interest in guys or relationships, her and Lyra started hanging out with that gryffindor group. It consisted of Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Mary and Peter. They seemed to be fun and friendly, and Lyra had a massive crush on Sirius. They had only really started being friends with the group at the end of year 4, and they now all sat on a table in the great hall, comparing time tables.
"does anyone have potions with Professor slughorn?" you ask. Everyone says yes. How lucky is that! Your whole friendgroup in the same class.

The next day first period was potions, and Vivienne and Lyra show up on time, along with everyone except peter. They had planned it all out. Lily with James, Sirius and Lyra, Remus and Mary, and vivi with peter.

Slughorn invites us all in, and she sees severus hunched over his textbook. They are told to get into pairs, and as peter isnt here, vivi doesnt see a problem with going with him instead. "Hey!" she said, making him jump a little. He glances up and quickly looks back at his book. "hey." he mumbles. Slughorn tells her to sit down, assuming they are partners. she does as she is told, much to severus' annoyance.
"Haha look viviennes forced to be with Snivellus!" vivi heard james shout across the room. She frowns, confused. "his name is severus," she corrects, before turning back towards the boy. "i dont need you to defend me, and i dont want you as my partner," he grumbles. Vivienne is taken aback, and slightly hurt. "What- what do you mean?" she asks, genuinely confused. To this, he just sighs and gets up, collecting ingredients for the potion they were learning. Vivienne - as his partner, follows after, trying to help out. "Dont bother Vivi - he's too much of a freak!" she hears james say again, and the other boys laugh. She turns to face him. "what is your problem? are you so insecure you have to take it out on other people is that it?" she shouted, before storming off to join severus. "I said i dont need your help!" he seethes, and the potion explodes. Slughorn overhears, and tells them they will need to redo it in their own free time.

Its now 5pm, Vivi's friendgroup is hanging out on the quidditch pitch, while she is walking towards the potions lab. She slowly creaks open the door, peaking her head in, and seeing severus had already started. He turns around, surprised to see she had actually come to help. "Let me guess, your friends are with you to put some stupid hex on me again?" he grumbles, before turning back to his work. "what? why would they do that? and what do you mean again?" Vivienne replies, genuinely worried. Severus says nothing.

She sits on the counter. "Severus." he finally actually looks at her, and admires her beauty, before catching himself and looking back down. 'She's not a nice person' he reminds himself.

When severus did look up at her, Vivienne properly took in his appearance. Since the first day on the train, severus was always hunched over a book, or just not visible at all. Vivi realises hes grown to be quite handsome, and she catches herself staring, rather than speaking. Her cheeks have a tint of pink to them, as she continues. "Severus. Tell me what they have done." she insists. He sighs. Shes never going to leave it is she? "they've just put a few stupid hexes on me thats all," he says, brushing it off like its nothing, when in reality it was torturous. Vivienne seems to think so too from the horrified gasp. "Why would they do that?" severus shrugs and goes back to the potion. "Severus. can you stop with that potion!" you groan. "The sooner I finish it the sooner you dont have to be around me," he states coldly.
"who said i don't want to be around you?" she asks, genuinely. He laughs, but its empty. "Oh come on vivienne. it will affect your reputation," he says, mockingly. vivienne stares at the boy, hurt. "Severus i could not care about my reputation. I care about my friends. and you are my friend." she tries to explain. "We are not friends." he mutters, and vivienne starts to realise. He thinks she is like James, that she wants to bully him, that she hates him.
She takes a long pause, before saying "when you are done with the potion, meet me in the astronomy tower." and with that, she leaves.

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