chapter x

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vivienne crept back to her dorm at 5am. luckily everyone was fast asleep. except lyra. "WHERE have you been?" lyra hissed. "i was worried sick!"
vivi couldn't help herself. "i've got a boyfriend!" she could barely contain her whisper. thats when lyra realised she was holding what seemed to be a bouquet - it was hard to make out in this light. "you WHAT? but - you never like anyone!" she says, in complete shock. "so, who is the lucky guy?" she asked, completely upright. "severus," vivi said, dreamily. lyra, though slightly disgusted at the poor choice, was so happy for her friend. she did admit to herself he seemed like he really liked her, and she deserved someone who would treat her right. "tell me all about it!! you were gone all night so it must be juicy," lyra hints, with an over exaggerated wink. this makes vivi giggle. "okay okay so-" she starts. "you cant leave out ANY details." her best friend demands, and vivienne smiles.

they debrief for the remaining hours before breakfast, and then vivienne gets ready. she spends extra care with her hair, her makeup, perfume. and of course, her new necklace. the pair head down to breakfast, where she spots severus across the hall. they lock eyes, and then vivienne looks away, blushing.

they don't have potions until after lunch, so they don't see eachother for most of the day. at lunch time, it was hot so most students were outside in the courtyard, including vivienne and lyra - who were of course still discussing vivis new relationship. they were so caught up they hadnt realised james sirius and remus had joined them, until james spoke up. "no way you are dating snivellous!" he scoffed. the nickname had caught attention of severus, who was infact nearby. he was hidden of course - he didn't like the idea of people judging him. he looked over to see james was the one speaking - to his girlfriend. severus couldn't help but be worried - even though the girl had always defended him, severus had been there. and he couldn't help but wonder if she would switch up when he wasnt around.

"yes i am. do you have a problem with that?" she said, smirking. james smirked back. "yes i do actually. you can't be friends with us if you are with HIM" he commanded.
she smiled, and stood up. "guess thats settled then," and walked off. severus couldn't help the small smile tugging on his lips. how did he get so lucky?

finally was potions. vivienne was glad she could see severus - she had kinda just dropped all of her friends. which was a good thing, since they were shitty people, but still it meant she had no one at lunch times or anything. she also decided not to tell severus - she didn't want him feeling guilty, or feeling like he needed to invite her to sit with him and his friends at lunch. he knew, of course, and could see the girl slightly more tense than usual. "hey" he whispered. "wanna do something after class?" it was the last period, and neither had homework. vivienne smiled. "i'd love to."

after class, the pair walked down the halls together. severus decided to take her to his dorms for the first time, and he was nervous. "where are we going?"
"oh um.. i was thinking my dorm - my dorm mates wont be there they have quidditch practice and things. i was thinking we could watch a movie?" severus suggests. "that sounds perfect." vivienne confirms, smiling widely.

they both enter the dungeons, and vivienne takes in her surroundings. it was so incredibly different to the ravenclaw common room. there was a cold sense about the room- not homely at all. severus guides her to his dorm, and she is surprised to see it is layed out exactly like hers. but green and black instead of blue and gold. it also happens to be a lot tidier.

the pair awkwardly sit on severus' bed, and watch a projection of the film "rocky". severus is trying to watch the movie, but all he can focus on is how close vivienne is to him - he can feel her body heat radiating. it is driving him insane, so he reaches for her hand, and interlocks their fingers. then, vivienne rests her head on his shoulder, and twists until she is cuddling him. he does the same, and they stay cuddled up.

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