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( ★ ) . • ˚  ━━ WITH HIS ULTRAVIOLENCE !

Julianna couldn't exactly pinpoint the exact moment when her feelings for Choso shifted –  if they even had at all

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Julianna couldn't exactly pinpoint the exact moment when her feelings for Choso shifted –  if they even had at all. The girl had all but convinced herself that the change in their relationship had just been the result of her mind playing tricks on her.

'It's only because of how much time we've spent together. How could I not have feelings for him, when the whole world was telling me that I do?' That's what she had been telling herself. But a small part of her knew.

These emotions have always lingered in the back of her mind, but now they were beginning to grow and she didn't know what to make of it.

A seventeen-year-old Julianna was stressed. It was her junior year – arguably the most crucial year of high school. Finals season was upon her, and it was kicking her in the ass.

It had never been like this. She had always been smart. Gifted – others would say. She understood things quicker than most people did. Her brain just worked differently. But for some reason, that same brain was starting to lag on her.

Perhaps it had been the weight of her parent's death, something she had never fully processed. Perhaps it was the fact that Naoya hadn't called her since that night. Or, the most obvious case. She could just be burnt out.

Still, the girl had worked too hard to lose herself now. The perfectionist in her was what continued to drive her. There was no way she was going to fail finals.

And so, the past week she had been glued to the same spot. Sitting at the kitchen table with a pair of headphones in, her back aching as she read over her notes.

One specific day, Suguru and the rest of his band were in the garage, loudly playing music that she usually enjoyed listening to, but wasn't really good for studying. Somehow, the girl had fallen asleep.

Julianna lifted her head from her arm, internally cringing at the realization that there was probably a large red mark on her face. Her brown eyes fluttered open to a strange sight.

Choso, sitting opposite of her. His head rested on his palms, and the glare from his phone illuminated his face in a cool-toned light.

Her eyebrows creased and for a moment she wondered if she was dreaming, "Fuck are you doing here?" She grumbled out, voice still hoarsely from sleep.

Their eyes met, "We're not getting anywhere with the song, so we're taking a break."

"I mean why are you sitting next to me." Julianna rolled her eyes, wiping at her cheek with her hoodie sleeve in case she had drooled during her nap.

Choso shrugged, "Don't know. Thought I'd help you study when you woke up." He picked up a random flashcard, "I was pretty good at...this."

"Oh, really?" She raised a brow, "And what class is this?"

𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗛𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗘 ━━ 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗈 𝗄𝖺𝗆𝗈Where stories live. Discover now