Chapter 4 The Song Of The Nightingale

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 The next morning found you restless and tired all at the same time. After the terrible dream you had seen last night, you found yourself unable to get back to sleep like a normal human being and the few times you had managed to fall asleep, Jack's face would haunt your mind, screaming at you so loud, that you would jump up in bed screaming at the top of your lungs as well and then spending the rest of your time curled up in a ball and crying. So when the rich sunlight started pouring through the curtains of your room, you stood up and went about your morning routine. Thankfully, today you only had afternoon classes, so you would be able to go around with your investigation a little bit more. You pulled your on and grabbed your bag, making sure that you had taken along with you everything you might be needing, since you were once again going back at the cave to check the interior for any possible clues.

You sincerely hoped that it would provide you with any new leads but you prayed as well that you wouldn't run into that man again, just to be able to check everything you needed with your leisure and not worry about whether or not you would be chased. Yet, when you were done with everything else in general, you would try to figure out who that was and if he had something to do with the murders and the disappearance, since he was lurking around the cave and your guts said that there were more to him that met the eye.

Going out of your room and locking the door, you immediately notice that the whole place is buzzing up happily with the loud voices of the rest of the residents, who were walking up and down the place, others running to get to their classes before it's too late and others just gossiping away. Lowering your head and focusing on locking the door behind you, you try not to pull anyone's attention, but this time, luck was definitely not with your side.

'Hey you!' you hear a bubbly voice say and turning your head a little bit, you see the three girls that you had on your class walk up to you, the girl that appeared to be the leader, walking a step forward from the others.

'You are the creep that corrected me in Criminology yesterday right?' the girl that was the leader spits out towards you, her baby blue eyes narrowing on your apathetic frame. It was too early for this sh!t and honestly, it was too much of a bother to even form a response for them. They wouldn't even understand it anyway.

'So say something b!tch, Helena spoke to you!' the brown haired girl snaps at you.

'I didn't correct anyone, I just stated my opinion. Nothing more, nothing else.' You say evenly, only for the sake of being left alone at last.

'Oh really?' Helena scoffs and pushes your shoulder with her hand 'Just cause you got in here with a scholarship, you think you're the f*cking brains or something?! Well guess what freak, you're not.'

'And you must understand that this is no longer high-school. You don't get around bullying and doing sh!t to people, so touch me once more and I'll cut your hand off.' You threaten her, your voice low and menacing as you look at her dead in the eye. F*cking brainless c*nts.

'I would like to see you try!' she laughs at your face 'Then I'm sure you'll end up like that circus-freak you are looking for! Everyone around the campus knows that you were his little b!tch.' she laughs, folding her hands over her chest, as if she had just nailed you with her clever comment.

You barely have time to open your mouth, as a yell sounds, coming from behind you.

'Hey, Helen-b!tch, leave her alone before I smash your plastic surgery nose against the window.' Turning, you see Sam and Gabby walking towards you fast, both of their faces fallen on serious expressions, as Sam cracked her knuckles, trying to intimidate the three girls that were bullying you.

'It's okay Sam, I got this.' you only respond to the girl as she approaches.

'Oh really? What are you going to do b!tch?' Helena scoffs.


Before either she or her friends have time to process what was happening, your knuckles had already formed a strong punch, that was catapulted from your point and landed straight into the blonde girl's face with such power, that you immediately feel a blunt pain shot up from your hand and blood paint your skin, blood that didn't belong to you though. You see the girl's eyes pop open with surprise, as she takes a few steps back, allowing her friends to hold her, as her hands fly to cover her bleeding nose, with the blood streaming down non-stop and her screaming at its sight. But you couldn't care less. In fact, you wanted to punch her even harder, punch her until she was unconscious for even daring to speak like that about Jack. She could say anything, anything about you, but not for Jack. In the sound of her mean words about your best friend, anger had shot up inside your body, resonating straight from your heart, which pumped the black substance of anger through your veins and adrenalized you so much, that you wanted to continue punching the girl until she apologized. Maybe not even then. How dare this b!tch talk sh!t about Jack? You'll send her back to her house unrecognizable if she tries anything like that again.

'Way to go girl!' Sam cheers from right beside you 'In yo' face sl*t.' she yells to the still shocked girls and grabbing you from the arm, the three of you immediately go outside, not wanting to have another re-match with the other three, leaving them to pick up their punched friend.

'It looks like we didn't have to intervene at all.' Gabby smiles from right beside you as the three of you walk to the sidewalk out of your dormitories.

'You really have it in you girl.' Sam laughs and fist pumps the air in front of her imitating your punch against the bitchy girl.

In response, you just shrug 'I don't take sh!t about Jack from anyone, much less from the likes of them. I'm sorry that you had to see that, but I couldn't contain myself.'

'Don't apologize girl, you did what was right and we got your back! I also hold a grudge against the b!tch and her dogs for messing with my assignment once.' Sam shrugs and looks deep into your eyes, a devious smirk dancing on the edges of her lips 'So where are you heading to?'

'I'm going to look around a little bit on the cave where the murders happened. I need to see if I can find out any clues.'

'It's dangerous to go alone there ______. Are you sure you want to go alone? We can come as well.' Gabby exclaims, worry lacing her voice and her beautiful eyes, but you only give her a small reassuring smile.

'It's okay, I don't have to spend too much time there, so I'll be back in no time. You can come over to my place when I'm back.' You offer.

'Well, Greg said that he wants to speak with you, so once you are back we'll be waiting right here for you.' Gabby says 'If you insist on going, at least call us if anything comes up and please be careful.'

'Don't worry yourself too much Gabby.' You smile at her 'Nothing is going to happen.'

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