Chapter 22 What Happened To You

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 A/N: This chapter is rated M: For Mature Audiences Only. It contains scenes of violence, vulgar language and scenes of suggestive/sexual content without taking things too far, yet it will be triggering for sensitive people. If you are triggered easily, I would advice NOT to read the chapter. You Have Been Warned. Even if you skip it, the next one will explain things regarding the plot in detail, so no harm is done. For the rest, enjoy! :)

 It was a quarter past two in the evening.

The hands of the clock continued to point on the time that was ticking by you and the silence was such a deafening one, that you did not know what to expect from it. Surely, in a house filled with killers, it meant nothing good and with a psychotic and hallucinating killer lurking right outside these thin walls, it was surely a situation where you found yourself unable to relax and think clearly for a single second of the time. What if fourteen hours had passed from the moment you entered here? EJ had only five hours that he finally stopped trying to get into the lab, either by inserting various keys or even trying to take the door down by force. Thankfully, the sturdy stature of the door didn't give in under his immense strength and it kept you as safe as a mouse that is cornered by its predators and has no possible ways out.

And time was only there to remind you that there was nowhere for you to go.

When you pulled that door shut, at that time, it appeared to be somehow the right decision; it was surely what put an end to the heavy beating that you were enduring by that time and your brain analyzed this option as a good one at the time. Now, all these hours after, you came to think that you had practically trapped yourself. The moment you made sure that the bolts were pulled closed, you had immediately passed out from the severe blood loss and the resonating pain that was shooting up from the depths of your chest; at that time, your last thought was that maybe, just maybe, you were having the very last heart attack that would mark the end of your existence. Indeed, for a brisk moment that seemed to last for an eternity, the pain was take away and your body was relieved from the pain; but nothing in your life was easy, so why would death come like that?

You did wake up once again. You did wake up inside a pool of your very own blood, with the ruby liquid having conquered a nice big circle around you, painting the marble white floor tiles with its breathtaking color and making the whole place give off a rich aroma of salt mixed with rust and chlorine. For a few seconds, you looked around you curiously, failing to recognize where you were and what were you doing there; the pain was somehow gone, so that was that; yet when a heavy beating echoed and an angry, almost hellish, growl accompanied it, it was the signal that your tired and abused brain needed in order to start working once again. Everything that had happened in the last few hours flashed like a true movie right in front of your eyes and you were immediately set into motion. EJ was trying to pound his way inside the lab, with the man's lethal fists leaving bend marks on the steel door, making it look like Swiss cheese; thankfully for you though, other than the dents, the door continued to provide a sure boundary between the two of you. Still he continued to call out for Jenny –you as it seemed- and swear loudly, but none of these things fell under your acknowledgement; you just plainly ignored him, since you had more urgent matters to attend to.

Like your own health.

From one side of the coin, you might have trapped yourself, but you were inside a lab and that gave you the advantage you needed in order to allow yourself to heal as far as it was possible; and maybe attempts to have a noble death, but that was something to think afterwards. Running a quick check over your body, three things revealed themselves to you right away: first and foremost, you had lost lots of blood and in order to try anything, you would have to replenish it. How? Let's hope that the eyeless doctor had a small stash of blood. Either his or his victims'. Secondly, your right hand was in a very odd angle and the skin that surrounded the wrist had acquired an ominous-looking purple-bluish color; you just hoped that it wasn't broken. And third, out of a sure miracle, your legs appeared to be untouched, other than a few severe bruises here and there; they weren't broken or sprained. Perfect; if you chose to run, you would be able to use them freely, so that is a sure plus for you.

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