Author's Note: I am so sorry

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 Hey guys, how are you? :) :P

First of all I would like to thank all of you darlings for reading my story, it really means the world to me and I wanted you to know that ^^

Now, I unfortunately have some bad news. For the rest of the month and up until February 8-9, I will be completely inactive both here and in all other sites that you can find me (deviantart, quotev, fanfiction) and this means, no updates in any of my stories, rare responds to your messages and all in all an absence. This is caused by two facts: first of all, my exams are coming up in the 26th of january and I really (i mean really) have to study and second, I am currently in a search for a new house to move into and thus, I am in a very, very bad place, both emotionally and physically. I really do not have the energy to do anything at all. And to give you a clue about how bad things are, imagine that for the very first time in almost 3 years, I have neither the will or the energy to write, not even my own name in a piece of paper. So yeah, pretty messed up things... Anyways, this does not mean that I am dropping my stories, on the contrary, when I am back I will be able to upload twice a week, but I really need your understanding and patience in order to work things out. Things have been tough these past months and I hate to do this, but there is literally no other way.

Thank you for being the most awesome people I have ever known, I really cherish each and every one of you :)  

Cruelest Of Hearts~Eyeless Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now