​Chapter 11 Deal With The Devil

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 The girl's little body shook violently, as her petite feet backed away with extreme caution, since pure fear had filled her whole existence, her innocent mind desperately looking for a way out of this hellish situation that she had caused without knowing. But the way out was nowhere to be found and as if that wasn't enough, all she saw was a sharp move and almost immediately, her head turned to the side and pain laced her left cheek, spreading from her jaw, all the way up to her eye. Her bright (e/c) orbs immediately bubbled with tears, which were fast to cascade her small face, dripping down from her cheeks and reaching the cold floor.

'HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU _____? ARE YOU RETARDED?! DID I GIVE BIRTH TO A RETARDED GIRL?' a woman screamed with all her might, slapping you across the face one more time.

'B-but mommy, y-you said I-I could have one after lunch...' you managed to choke out, trying not to gaze inside your mother's eyes in case this infuriated her more.

'SHUT UP! DON'T YOU F*CKING DARE TALK BACK TO ME.' she grabbed you hard by the shoulders and shook you so hard, that your small neck was unable to withstand the weight of your head, which ended up swinging back and forth violently 'You are just like your father! A good-for-nothing little sh!t!' she screamed at your face 'Now go to your room and make me forget that you even exist, or else you'll regret being born, you little brat!'

Before she had even finished her sentence, you had already darted out of the kitchen and up the stairs, rushing to your room and closing the door behind you, before you shoved yourself into the plain mattress that was your bed, covering yourself with the soft blankets and allowing your tears to fall freely from your eyes. Your tiny body was shaking violently by the frequent sobs and the tears never seized to fall. Your cheeks were hurting you like hell and you were sure that the bruises were already forming. And all of this torment for a tinny cookie. For just one cookie that your childish heart wanted. Was it so much to ask? But your mother was always like that, from the moment you first remember her...

*Tick* *tick* *tack*

Hmmm, what was that? It sounded like someone was throwing tiny rocks at your window...Could it be?!

In the flash of the second, you throw your covers aside and stomp on you tiny feet, before racing with all your might towards the only window of your room, immediately peeking outside to the neighborhood which was under the attack of heavy rain. Your teary eyes scan the whole place up, until they meet with a pair of sky blue ones; a boy, probably around twelve years old is standing in your yard, under your window, wearing a totally black hoodie and without paying the slightest attention to the torrential rain, he was smiling brightly to you. Before you even had the chance to think about it, you find yourself wiping the tears away, raising your own hoodie and opening the window, passing on the thick branch of the nearby tree and skillfully descending towards the ground.

'Hey, wanna go for a cupcake?' Jack beams at you, showing his whole allowance that was safely tucked inside his hoodie pocket. Yet, when you see his blue eyes fall on your little face, his smile turns into a frown 'She hit you again?' he whispers, clenching his fists with anger.

'She told me not to eat a cookie before lunch, so I ate it after lunch. She got really mad this time.' you whisper, sobs threatening to come out of your small chest.

Cruelest Of Hearts~Eyeless Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now