1. A dead marine

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A\N: This is the first chapter of my new NCIS story, I know I have a lot of unfinished stories that I need to write, but I either just don't have the time or motivation to finish them but I promise at some point every ongoing story will be marked completed even if it takes me years. 

In this chapter, the team gets a new case and it's not long before the team discovers that their dead marine is someone that one of the team knows. 

As always updates will be whenever I can. 

I hope you enjoy this first chapter, Angels.


He was the first one at the office on Monday morning, 0400, sat at his desk in a suit, drinking a steaming cup of coffee from the travel mug he'd brought in with him. It wasn't unusual for DiNozzo to come back into work after his team had already left: didn't Gibbs say that he always did his best work at night? 

He was deep in his paperwork when the boss entered the bullpen with his gear and his standard cup of coffee in hand at 0600. 

"Morning boss." DiNozzo greeted automatically without looking up from his paperwork. His boss didn't return his greeting which didn't really surprise the agent. Instead he heard his boss' quiet footfalls as they crossed across their bullpen and up in front  his desk, his blue eyes staring at him. "Security told me you've been here since 0400. That true?" Gibbs asked him quietly even though it was just them in the bullpen. 

DiNozzo looked up from his paperwork and nodded at his boss curtly, unable to hide the lie that he wanted to tell. "What's it to you?" The SFA snapped tiredly. He didn't mean to snap at Gibbs but thanks to the case they've worked the last week and the nightmares, his sleeping habits have been nonexistent. The boss only sighed and shook his head, eyeing the travel mug near the younger man's elbow. "What number coffee are you on?" His boss asked, Tony shook his head. "Why? Are you going to lecture me on how much coffee I drink?" Tony snipped, Gibbs sighed again and walked back to his own desk, he kept his eyes on his SFA a little while longer, until he saw the younger man give him a glare that rivalled his own and he looked away. 


Tony remained silent until the rest of their team in an hour later, talking about something that held little relevance to him, Probie and Ziva looked at him in surprise. "Tony, you are in early." Ziva stated as she put her gear down and sat at her desk. Tony rolled his eyes. "Oh really, I hadn't noticed." He said sarcastically. Ziva looked at McGee for a second before they both looked away, worry churning at the both of them, and their boss who sat silent at his desk. 

The phone on Gibbs' desk shrilled and the former marine answered with his classic greeting of 'yeah, Gibbs.' Thirty seconds later, the phone was back in its cradle as Gibbs stood and barked out orders. "Grab your gear, dead marine at Quantico. McGee get Ducky, David gas the truck, DiNozzo with me." DiNozzo sighed as he picked up his gear, slung it over his shoulder, slid his assembled gun into its holster, pocketed his badge and shield, picked up his travel mug full of coffee and jogged after Gibbs who held the elevator doors open for him. 


Tony was silent the entire ride to the crime scene, which was very unusual, looking out of the window and taking sips of his coffee instead of talking about the movie he watched last night or how Gibbs was trying to kill them all with the way he drove. His head was trying to torture him with the nightmares he had been thrown into last night, he could still remember every smell, every word, every smile, every laugh, that was shared between the three of them. Gibbs pulled up to the police tape that was put up to prevent anyone who wasn't Law Enforcement going past. The team showed the Local LEOs their ID's and walked to where a naked, female marine splayed out for every eye to see. 

A gasp, shocked and horrified, left an agent's mouth, and a name came whispered from the agent lips. 


Gibbs' neck snapped up to look at his SFA who was on  his knees, looking at the marine with horror etched onto his face, the blood drained from his face. 

How did DiNozzo know this female marine? 


A/N: So this chapter was setting up for the story. In the next chapter, Gibbs asks some questions and gets some answers that he doesn't like and Tony reveals how he knows this Ellie and who she is. I had hoped to have this out yesterday but it didn't happen, so you Angels are getting a double (possibly triple) update today.

Enjoy this, Angels. 

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