It's finger licking good

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Y/N was disturbed from his sleep by the sounds of someone coughing trying to get his attention. He groans before opening his eyes to behold an annoyed Vanessa standing over him and the still sleeping Roxy.

Y/N: Urgh.... Vanessa?

Vanessa: Sleeping on the job Y/N? Seriously?

Y/N remembers what happened with him and Roxy and checks his almost dead phone which showed the time was 4 AM.

Y/N: Oh ssshit I've been asleep for half of my shift.

He then carefully gets out of Roxy's grip careful not to disturb her.

Vanessa: How pissed do you think the manager will be if he finds out you've been laying around on the second day on the job?

Y/N: Ummmm I'd say he'd be..... pretty upset.

Vanessa: To put it lightly.

The nightguards leave Roxy to rest and talk to one another in private.

Y/N: Listen I was only meant to help her get dressed for her gig but we kinda got carried away and passed the time. It was an honest mistake I swear.

Vanessa:......(Sigh) Your unbelievable
Y/N you know that? Listen I'll let this little slip up slide.

Y/N: Thanks Vanessa you just saved my bacon-

Vanessa: Only if you do one small job for me.

Y/N: Oh......w-what do you need me to do?

Vanessa: The oven in the kitchen is showing signs of damage. I need you to go in there and see what's wrong with it and see if we can fix it.

Y/N: That's sounds simple enough leave it to me.

Vanessa grabs Y/N's shoulder.

Vanessa: But before you go I need you to be careful in there. Chica loves to raid the kitchen for food which usually ends up with a trashed staff bot or two. Try to make sure she doesn't do the same to you okay?

Y/N: Got it. I appreciate the concern but I'll be fine if I can handle Roxy I can definitely handle chica.

Y/N walks away while Vanessa watches.

Vanessa: Preach what you pray Y/N.....preach what you pray.

Timeskip by the aubergine man

The doors to the pizzaplex kitchen swing open and Y/N peeks his head through looking around the room.

Y/N: Helloooooo?! Maintenance!? I'm here to fix your oven!

He called out only to get no reply.

Y/N: No one's here guess the chef's had better things to do.

Y/N takes his toolbox and checks the oven at the other side of the kitchen.

Y/N: Now-

Y/N pulls the oven away from the wall and uses his flashlight to survey any possible damage.

Y/N: Let's see what's wrong with ya.

Checking the back Y/N had found that the wire connecting the plug to the machine was cut open. Sparks fell from the open gash threatening to land of something flammable and catch fire.

Y/N: Oh yeah I definitely see the problem.

Y/N radios his partner Vanessa.

Y/N: Hey Vanessa I found the fault in the oven. The wires exposed and could start a kitchen fire at any given time.

The nightguard (Female Fnaf x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now