V for Vanessa

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Don’t tell Daddy that I’m here. I wanted to watch your show too!
I don’t know why he won’t let me come see you.. You’re wonderful!.........

Where did the other children go?

These words rang out in Y/N's head as he slowly regained conscious. He held his hand in front of his face blocking the light until his eyes had adjusted to the brightness.

Y/N: Urghhhhh great. More weird voices and dreams just what I need right now.

Y/N sat up making the hospital bed creek he was in the medical bay with a cast covering his entire right arm. He looked at his cast the memories of his scuffle with moon zooming into his mind.

Y/N: Oh right....my arm got broke. It could've been worse though if I didn't have my taser......

He then picked up his taser which was placed on the counter next to the bed.

Y/N: But when I shocked that Psycho....why did I enjoy it? Maybe because of the adrenaline pumping at the time? Yeah that's probably it.

A staff bot with a medic sign on his head sees Y/N up and awake and goes through the door and speaks to someone. Within moments the door to the medical bay swing open and Roxy comes speeding in with Freda, monty, chica and even the manager.

Roxy: Y/N!

Y/N is pulled into a tight hug by the crying wolf who nuzzled into his chest.

Monty: Thank god!

Manager: Mr Schmidt your awake thank the lord!

Roxy: (Crying) Do you know how scared I was!?

Chica: We stopped everything when we heard what happened.

Y/N: Yeah I'll admit that guy messed me up pretty good but I stood my ground.

Monty: (Growls) When I get my claws on that punk he's a good as scrap!

Freda: We're just pleased to see your alright.

Y/N: My arm's broke but I'm still breathing......barely.

He says as he feels his swollen neck.

Roxy: Please don't scare us like that again....I-i don't think I would bear loosing you.

Y/N: Your not gonna lose me roxy it's gonna take more then that to off me.

Y/N strokes Roxy's hair calming her.

Y/N: I'm made of sterner stuff.

Another person barges in and runs to Y/N's side it was Y/N's adoptive father mike.


Y/N: Oh hey old man. Nothing much just me and the daycare guy had a bit of a disagreement.

Mike: (To the manager) How the hell could you let one of your animatronics do this to MY SON!? HE COULD'VE DIED!

Manager: I-i-i known these have been horrible turn of events Mr Schmidt but you must understand your son signed a agreement removing us from any liability of any accidents-

The enraged mike grabs the manager by his coat.


Roxy: Oh he's pissed.

Monty: Can't blame him. (Sun you better start praying I don't run into you!)

Chica: Yeah his feathers are ruffled!

The nightguard (Female Fnaf x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now