Nightmare at the daycare

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Y/N opened his eyes and finds himself sitting in a office similar to his at the pizzaplex with two metal doors on each side. He couldn't move freely however or even speak it was like his body was moving on its own accord picking up a phone laying on the side of the desk pressing record. When Y/N did speak his voice sounded nothing like it usually was sounding more old and mature.

Y/N?:  Hello hello! Hey! Hey wow day four... I knew you could do it.
Uh, hey, listen... I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow.

Something starts to bang loudly on the left door.

Y/N?:It’s-it’s been a bad night here.....for me. Umm...I-I’m kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you...(clears throat) uh when I did. Uh hey do me a favor uh maybe sometime uh you could check inside those suits? Uh in the back room? Uh I'm gonna try to hold out...until someone...checks. Maybe it won’t be so bad. I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads... back there you know...

The toreador march plays from within the darkness as a pair of eyes illuminate from the left door and erie moaning comes from the right.

Y/N?:Oh no.........

That was the last thing Y/N said before a golden bear pounced from behind the chair with a loud scream snatching the phone from his grasp. Y/N sprang up from his bed and screamed sweating buckets while his phone on the counter was ringing.

(Bruh this goofy ah ringtone)


Y/N breathed in heavily until he eventually calmed down all the while the fredbear plushy looked on from the end of the bed.

Y/N: again with these dreams.....(Sigh) Thank god it was only a dream but the all felt too real.

Y/N looked at his phone which was still ringing and checked to see who was calling him at 3 in the evening and to his suprise it was his boss.

Y/N: Strange my shift at the pizzaplex starts at midnight why's the boss calling me now?

Y/N accepts the call and the manager talks through the other line.

Manager: Hello? Hello hello? Y/N are you there?

Y/N: Yeah boss what's up? You don't usually call me during the day. What's going on?

Manager: I-if it's not too much trouble Mr Schmidt could you please get to the pizzaplex as soon as possible?

Y/N: The pizzaplex? Why? Has something happened?

Manager: (Sigh) There's been an the daycare.

Timeskip caused by confusion

Timeskip caused by confusion

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