Chapter Four

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Copyright Joelle Blue ©


These people are exhausting. It must take some real effort to always be miserable and putting others down. But I just have a couple more days that I have to deal with them. Two. More. Days.

Then it's summer and I can enjoy what little time I have before football starts. Maybe more time with Ellie. Her and I seem to always be busy, but maybe before I head to camp, she'd be willing to go out a few times. After how she responded to our kiss, I'm hopeful she'll say yes and maybe we could do that again. Many times. All of the times.

I remember the first time I saw her. She was reading a book in her backyard and her long hair and bright hazel eyes kept me captivated. She's always hiding her body, but I saw her in her pajamas the other night. She's hiding some delicious curves under the clothes she normally wears.

I'm walking towards the cafeteria when Grant, a tight end that I've played with the last four years who essentially helped me get in the door with the football program I'm going to, starts talking to Brandi.

Brandi is the biggest bitch I've ever met. I don't think I've heard her say anything nice about another girl, and she reeks of her insecurities. I tune out their conversation until I hear them say Ellie's name, making my ears perk up. Brandi makes a comment about her shirt, expecting me to answer. I don't want to snub her and make Grant upset, but I also don't want them to keep talking about Ellie, so I reply in hopes that they'll drop the topic, but it just eggs them on further.

They start in on her looks and her body, and Grant makes suggestive comments, so even though it makes me sick, I say what I have to keep him away from her. No way is he getting anywhere near her.

She always keeps to herself, so I'm not worried about it, but I don't want him even thinking about her like that. She's way too good for these people, she's way too good for me, but she's become important to me. Talking about her like that makes me nauseous, and I regret it immediately, but it does the trick, and they're off on another topic. Probably putting down another girl that's better than Brandi.

We decide to eat outside, and when we're about to our table, we see Ellie's car starting to back out of her spot, her music clear as day playing the band Brandi put down just a few minutes ago. Like Ellie knew she needed a huge fuck you. I watch her drive away, and see her face looks sad and resigned. I wish I could go and comfort her, whatever is bothering her. But I have to keep my head in this game. Grant's dad could put in a bad word just as easily as he could put in a good one, and I want to make my family proud.

I could work at their shop for my entire life, but I didn't start that business. I'm good at football because of the time I put into it, but to stay nearby and not go too far, I needed to get into Grant's good graces, or else my other options were states away. They were all really good options but being that far from my family and even Ellie was not an option.

Mom was diagnosed with cancer and is currently in remission, but if it were to ever come back, being far isn't an option. My family is everything to me and I'll always do everything I can for them.

My sister, Calah, is going to school to become a nurse and she loves being able to help others like the nurses that helped mom. I want to do that for myself. Become something I'm proud of, but everything I'm having to do to get there feels like a little nick at my character each time.

"That girl needs to get a life. Does she think the range rover will make her relevant?" Brandi scoffs. I just stay silent until the conversation switches topics, hating myself for what I said earlier and hating myself more for not standing up for her.

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