Chapter Twenty

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Copyright by Joelle Blue ©


"Holy shit, I don't know how people do this for months on end," Scarlet grumbles as she plops into her chair. She closes her eyes and leans her head back, taking a deep breath, knowing the adrenaline crash is coming.

We just completed our tenth show in our tour, and we have ten left to go. But, I have to agree with her. This is no joke. We've done ten shows in a month, traveled all over the country, have met hundreds of people at this point. It's exhausting but exhilarating.

This tour has been amazing and the experience of a lifetime. It's still so surreal to know that these people bought tickets specifically to see us perform, and I hope I never come to take that for granted. There are some days I'm so excited to get to the next venue and meet those fans, but then other days I just want to be home. Luckily Scarlet will always feel like a bit of home for me. But, in such a short time, Charlie became so important to me. He was always important, but now that we've moved past friendship, worked through everything that tore us apart, grew up and matured, he's one of my people.

I miss him.

He's come to visit me multiple times for a couple days, and those days are what keep me going. He won't be able to visit for another week and it's been a week since I saw him last, and I'm desperate to see him again.

I miss how he smells, his voice, his sweet words, our mornings together, how he feels, how he makes me feel...

After the first time we had sex, we couldn't stop. He was obsessed, addicted, and he had no shame. No matter what I was doing, if he got even slightly horny, he hunted me down.

I rolled off Charlie after riding him like the cowgirl I am and make my way into the bathroom, leaving him falling back asleep. I woke to find him ready to go and thought 'why not?'

But today, I have to actually get ready and go meet with our event manager for one last meeting before we hit the road. We have about a week until we leave and I'm looking forward to it but also dreading it. I have someone waiting at home for me, and that's such an odd feeling.

Charlie doesn't necessarily live here, but he's always here. Just how I like him.

Once I've showered, I start blow drying my hair and when I'm just about finished, I can see through the mirror as Charlie stumbles in, naked, looking drowsy, but also fresh. Like he just came out of the oven. He struts over to me, showing off his erection like a peacock, and wraps his arms around me, grinding himself into me. I sigh, leaning my body into his.

"As much as I'd love to, I don't have time, baby. I also don't want to get a UTI, and at the rate we go, I will," I chuckle.

"But I need you, siren. I'm hard again," he pouts, leaving little breaths right into his favorite spot on my neck.

Who knew a six foot five, two-hundred-and-fifty-pound man could be cute. Borderline pitiful. "Think about rotten milk, rotten watermelons, rotten meat, rot—"

"Why are we talking about rotten food?" He asks as he turns me around.

"I thought it'd help your situation?" I shrug.

"How would that help?" His brows raise.

"Well, I was thinking maybe your penis doesn't like rotten things, so if you thought about that stuff, it wouldn't be hard."

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