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POV JAMES - Private Driver
James was the epitome of youthful vigor and charm, with his chiseled physique, towering stature, and captivating smile. Despite being younger than me, his presence exuded confidence and poise beyond his years. Currently enrolled in college as an international student, James was on the lookout for part-time work to support himself during his studies.

LEV (calling): James, it's me. Are you available later around 11:00 am? I'll be performing for one of my fans. I'll give you the address when I get you arrive.

JAMES (over the phone): No problem, Ms. Lev. Consider it arranged.


Lev meticulously selected a long, elegant dress adorned with delicate floral patterns that hugged her curves gracefully. Her makeup, akin to that of an angel, accentuated her natural beauty with soft hues and radiant glow. With every detail perfected, she transformed into a vision of elegance and charm.

As she stepped out, the sunlight danced on her flawless skin, adding an ethereal aura to her presence. Her confidence radiated, matching the allure of her attire. With each stride, she embodied grace and sophistication, captivating all who crossed her path.

In that moment, Lev wasn't just dressed for an occasion; she embodied the essence of beauty and elegance, a sight to behold for anyone fortunate enough to witness her grace.

James arrives in the private car, pulling up to the grand entrance of Lev's mansion. He steps out and approaches the door, where Lev is waiting.)

JAMES: Good morning, Ms. Lev. The car is ready whenever you are.

LEV: Thank you, James. I'm all set. We're heading to the restaurant for the surprise performance at 11:00 am. This is the address.

JAMES: Understood, Ms. Lev. Shall we?

James glances at the address and recognizes it.

JAMES: Ms. Lev, this is quite the popular spot. It's a favorite among doctors, surgeons, and nurses. They swear by the food—it's both delicious and healthy, hence the strong recommendation from the medical community.

LEV: (surprised) Really? I had no idea.

JAMES: Yes, you'll likely see many familiar faces from the healthcare field there.

LEV: Have you eaten already, James?

JAMES: No, not yet. We can grab a bite there if you like.

LEV: Sure, sounds good. Oh, by the way, my fan who invited us is a doctor. He wants me to help him propose to his girlfriend.

JAMES: That's wonderful! It sounds like it's going to be quite an eventful day.

(They continue on their way to the restaurant, anticipation building for the surprise proposal.)


The restaurant is bustling with activity as James and Lev arrive early. The atmosphere is lively, with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals filling the space. The restaurant has a modern, open layout with a hint of romance in the air.)

LEV: It's quite busy here. Shall we grab a bite while we wait?

JAMES: Agreed. Let's see what they have to offer.

They join the line at the counter to place their order. Meanwhile, Dr. Luke and his friend enter the restaurant. Dr. Luke's friend scans the crowded space for an available table while Dr. Luke joins the line behind Lev.

(The spoiled brat carelessly hits Dr. Luke and then Lev, causing her to almost lean onto James for support. James, angered by the behavior, prepares to confront the spoiled brat, but Lev stops him.)

Lev the Start of Everything and BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now