5 - Shopping With the Gals

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I was coming down the stairs in Severide's apartment the next morning when there was a knock on the door. I looked into his kitchen, and he shook his head.

"That's all you." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes with a smile and opened the door.

"Oh my god! Look at you!" Cindy shrieked and wrapped me in a hug, and I chuckled as we broke apart and Donna hugged me.

"You look amazing!" Donna said and I smiled looking at both of them.

"Me? Look at you two!" I said and they smiled. They then peeked in as Kelly came walking up behind me.

"So, staying with Severide instead of your dad..." Donna said.

"Dad didn't have a room, Kelly did..." I said.

"Well, aren't you just the knight in shining armor." Cindy said with a smirk.

"Every woman for herself." Kelly whispered in my ear, I laughed, and he walked away. I grabbed my purse. "Hey, wait!" Kelly said as I went to walk out.

"What? You offering to buy my dress?" I asked batting my eyelashes and he laughed but shook his head.

"No, I'm giving you a copy of the key for the apartment incase I'm not here when you get back." Kelly said and I smiled. I took the key from him and put it on my key ring.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded. He kissed the side of my head and out the door we went. Donna and Cindy were looking at me as we got on the elevator to leave the building.

"So, nothing going on there?" Donna asked.

"I just got into town..." I trailed off.

"Okay and we all know the crush you had on him before..." Cindy spoke up. Donna smiled at me.

"Listen, maybe at one point in time I had a crush on Severide and at one point in time I wanted to ask him out, but life happened, I moved, and everything changed." I said as we got off the elevator and headed out of the building.

"So do you have someone back home waiting for you?" Donna asked and I shook my head.

"No, we just broke up about a month and a half ago." I said and they half nodded.

"He the reason you've been away?" Cindy asked as we got in her car. I just sighed but nodded.

"Yeah, things weren't great there and whenever I wanted to come into town he was waiting to come. I wanted to come alone and that wasn't happening." I said and they both shook their heads.

"Well, you're here now and that's all that matters." Donna said and I smiled at her.

"Also, someone else is meeting us shopping." Cindy said and I looked at her confused.

"Do I know them?" I asked.

"No, but she is a good friend of ours." Cindy said and I nodded as we stopped and picked up some coffee and then headed to the mall.

As we walked in the department store there was an older, taller woman standing there looking at some dresses.

"Hey Trudy." Donna said and she smiled seeing us walk up.

"Hey ladies, about time." Trudy said and I smiled.

"Sorry, it was probably my fault." I said and she looked at me. "I'm Bailey McHolland, Randy's daughter." I said extending my hand and she shook it, smiling.

"Randy talks about you all the time." Trudy said.

"You know my dad?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, we have run into each other from time to time." Trudy said and I smiled.

"Oh well, any friend of Donna and Cindy's is a friend of mine." I said as we all gave a small laugh.

"Exactly." Trudy said.

"Well should we get shopping. Cindy is going to be picky, so this is going to take all day." Donna said and we all laughed, well except for Cindy who was looking annoyed but smirked.


I got back to Kelly's apartment and unlocked the door. I found him in the kitchen cooking some lunch.

"You're just now eating lunch?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, I wasn't watching the time. I was catching up on some things. I also had to make sure my suit was clean." Kelly said and I smiled.

"I get to see you in a suit, I almost forgot." I said and he smiled. He then noticed the garment bag I had hung up at the coat hanger.

"You got a dress I see." Kelly said and I nodded.

"Dress, shoes and jewelry. Donna and Cindy said the dress was perfect and Trudy said I looked hot." I giggled and Kelly looked at me in shock.

"Trudy was there?" Kelly asked shocked.

"Yeah, she is pretty amazing." I said and Kelly just watched me. "What?" I asked confused.

"No many people can get on Trudy's good side. If you did you are very lucky." Kelly said and I laughed.

"Are you on her bad side?" I asked and he shrugged with a smile.

"Sometimes." Kelly said and he passed me the grilled cheese sandwich he made and I smiled as he started making another one.

I started eating and my cellphone rang in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered with a mouth full of food.

"Attractive." I heard my dad say. I laughed and swallowed my food.

"Sorry, eating a late lunch." I said and he chuckled.

"Shopped till you dropped a take it?" Mouch asked.

"Yep, but I got a dress and everything that goes along with it."

"Well good but since you are also in town visiting me..." Mouch trailed off and I laughed knowing he was trying to make me feel guilty for barely seeing him.

"Do you want to do dinner tonight?" I asked before he had a chance to.

"I would love to have dinner with you tonight...just you right no Severide?" Mouch asked and I winked at Severide when he turned to look at me hearing the conversation, he smirked.

"Of course, dad, just us." I said and he smiled.

"Perfect, you want to me to pick you up?" Mouch asked.

"No can we meet at Giodano's?" I asked, it was my favorite place whenever I was in town.

"Of course we can, you want to say around 6:30?" Mouch asked.

"Sounds good I will meet you there." I said and we hung up.

"I'm jealous, getting Giodano's for dinner..." Kelly said and I smiled.

"Well maybe before I leave town we can go together." I said and Kelly smiled finishing his sandwich.

"Bailey, did you get ask me out on a date?" Kelly asked and I laughed.

"Trust me Severide, if I was going to ask you out you would know it." I said and we both laughed and continued eating.

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