18 - Appointments & Accidents

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I was sitting in my office, nervous. I was having a consultant meeting, and it could go either horribly wrong or horribly right.

My intercom on my desk went off.

"Your appointment is here." Shirley said.

"Send them in." I said. The door opened and in walked Mouch and Trudy.

"Mr. McHolland, Ms. Platt, welcome." I said standing up. They both stopped and looked at me and I sighed. "I was trying to be professional but it's -..."

"Weird." Trudy said and I nodded.

"Well, I will say, you don't know how happy it makes me for you guys to come to me and ask me to plan your wedding." I beam with a smile from ear to ear. They both looked at me and smiled just as broad.

"Well after you and Severide left the other night when I proposed at dinner it was no question that we wanted you to plan this wedding for us." Mouch said and I nodded.

"Well, I want to do this for you, for free. My gift to you." I said and they both shook their heads.

"No way Bailey! You will get paid. You are trying to run a business." Trudy said and I sighed.

"Okay well can I at least cut you guys some deals?" I asked and they nodded.

"We were counting on that." Mouch said and I laughed.

"Okay well, let's get started on what you guys envision no matter how different the ideas may be and we will work on incorporating them." I said and they nodded as we started talking and I was taking notes.

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Trudy had to go to work, Mouch had the day off and I knew I would have a stop to make after work so I could scout out the space. Severide was off and I knew I could even make it a date night. I called him once I had a free moment.

"Hey, how's work?" Kelly asked and I sighed.

"Well Dad and Trudy came in and we are talking about a location for them to get married in. I need to go to Molly's and try to sweet talk Herrmann into letting them have the wedding there." I said and Kelly chuckled.

"You think he is going to want to close down for a night and do this?" Kelly asked.

"Don't know, which is why I have to sweet talk him. Dad and Trudy are going to be there, and I would really like it if my boyfriend would meet me there too..." I trailed off.

"Oh yeah, well what's in it for me? What are you going to try and sweet talk me with?" Kelly asked.

"Well, it wouldn't so much be sweet talking but if you show up tonight you may get to see me in that lingerie you like so much when we get home tonight." I suggested and I heard Kelly growl.

"Really? The red one?" Kelly asked, I could tell he was already imagining it.

"The red one." I verified.

"You got yourself a deal. What time should I be there?" Kelly asked.

"Um...I will be getting out of here around 6 so maybe 6:30ish..."

"Sounds good I will see you then." Kelly said.

"Can you bring me a pair of jeans and t-shirt so I can change once I get there? I don't want to be stuck in this business suit." I said.

"But I like you in the business suit." Kelly said and I moaned hearing the tone he used.

"You chose mister, business suit or the lingerie..." I laughed.

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