23 - Come Back

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We arrived and the building had severe damage, some windows broken out, floors collapsed, people running out of the main doors.

"Okay paramedics, go assess all the people who have come out!" Boden yelled and they went to run past us and I grabbed Sylvie's arm.

"Can you check for Bailey please?" I asked and she nodded.

"You got it!" Sylvie said and kept on her way.

"Okay we need to work on getting survivors out!" I yelled to my crew. Squad 3 was a rescue squad and its who I was in charge of.

"SEVERIDE!" I heard someone yell my name and I looked over to see Sylvie working on someone. It wasn't Bailey but it was Shirley. I rushed over, Mouch behind me.

"Shirley, where is she?" I asked.

"She was making sure everyone on the floor got out, we got separated." Shirley said and we all looked at the building as we heard the building foundation crack some more. There were some screams of panic when it did.

"We got kids here!" Someone yelled running over to the paramedics.

"Do you know if that's everyone?" Boden asked.

"There was a lady helping us get the kids out. She was right behind me as we left but I don't know where she went." The guy said. Something in me said it was Bailey I just knew it was.

"Severide..." Mouch said looking at me and I half nodded.

"I know, we will find her she would know to get out." I said.

"But she would want to help everyone else first." Mouch added and even though that annoyed me with it being said I knew it was right.

"Okay, fire, what is it looking like?!" I yelled asking Stella and the fire team.

"It's contained in the basement but the place is filling with smoke. The walls are not very structurally safe." Stella explained. At that moment there was another loud crack and some of the walls on the upper levels caved in, not completely falling in.

"Stella, I think Bailey is still in there. I think she was helping get the kids out of the main floor and hasn't made it out. I need to get in there." I said and she groaned.

"Severide, it's not safe!" Stella said and I shook my head.

"I wont lose her! Not like this!" I yelled and went rushing towards the building, not letting anyone stop me. Everyone knew better than to try.

I made it inside and saw the ceiling had collapsed in a few places and the floor was very unsteady and about to give away.

"FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT!" I yelled hoping to get a response.

"BAILEY!" I heard another voice yell and I looked to see Mouch.

"I'll get her! You get out!" I growled.

"No way! I won't lose my daughter!" Mouch said. I just half nodded as we continued to look.

"BAILEY! FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT!" Mouch and I kept yelling.

We got further into the main floor and I saw a body lying on the floor.

"I FOUND HER!" I yelled. I rushed over to her but mis-stepped and the floor went to give away on me but Mouch grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Be careful!" Mouch yelled and I took a deep breath and walked slower testing the floor.

When I reached Bailey she was breathing, but barely and passed out.

I did something I know better than to do and took my mask off putting it on her face.

"Put your mask back on!" Mouch yelled. I picked Bailey up bridal style and carried her out while holding my breath the whole time and Mouch was right behind me.

"She needs help!!" I yelled as I walked with her. Sylvie came rushing over with a stretcher and I laid Bailey down. My mask was pulled off of her and she was getting intubated to help her breath.

"Who is riding with her to med?" Sylvie asked looking between Mouch and me.

"You go, I will be right behind." I said to Mouch and he nodded as he got in the back of the ambulance. I watched them rush away with the love of my life in the back of the ambulance unsure of her condition.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Boden.

"This is under control, lets go." He said and gently pushed me towards his SUV he drove as chief, and we ran sirens all the way to the hospital.

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We had been at the hospital all night with Bailey. She still wasn't awake, and the breathing tube was still in. I was sleeping in one chair beside her bed and Mouch was in the other.

"Hey you two." Trudy said coming in and we both woke up. She walked in with Cindy, Herrmann and Boden.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Mouch asked giving Trudy a small kiss.

"We came to check on our girl. How is she?" Cindy asked.

"No change. She is breathing on her own but the breathing tube is to help since she took in a lot of smoke. She has 2nd degree burns on her ankles and a little up her legs because the fire was coming through the floor. She had a gash on the back of her head, we arent sure what it's from then just regular bumps and bruises." I explained and everyone sighed.

"Severide, she's a fighter, she will wake up." Herrmann said and I nodded.

"I know, we all know she is but I just want her awake to know she will come back to us." I said and everyone sighed.

The nurse came in to change her IV bag and we all stepped out of the room. We stood in the hallway and watched.

"Do they know what did this?" Mouch asked.

"A bomb, like the serial bombast only they found his body in the basement. He placed the last bomb too close to the gas lines so when it went off it exploded the lines and he caught fire." Boden explained.

"Good." I mumbled but no tried to correct me.

"Well listen if you two want to go home, shower and change we will stay with her." Herrmann said.

"I'm not leaving." Mouch said.

"Me either." I spoke up.

"We figured so here are bags of clothes and the nurses said you can use the shower in the locker room. You both need to shower and change though." Cindy said handing us the bags.

"Fine, we will go now." Mouch said and leaned down to kiss Bailey's cheek.

I then leaned down and kissed her forehead, "I'll be right back baby." I whispered and quickly left just so I could take the shower and be back, ready for Bailey to wake up.

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