Chapter 1 Planet: Gamma-4 Year: 2711, 1 year After Battle of Demeter

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Adam woke up with excitement, wondering what he would get today for his 16th birthday. He did not expect anything massive, some small stuff here and there like brushes and some additional tools for drawing and sketching. Simple stuff really. As he looked around his room, looking at all the art he had made over the years, Titans working on the farm, some more modified with more militaristic styles. Even some miniatures he bought from the miniature store in the city.

Normally he would have to wake up earlier, but because it was his birthday he did not have school today, as he was homeschooled. He was almost done with this Titan mechanic study he was doing. To help the farm and be able to get the parts without having to rely on external companies for the repairs. He remembers fixing one of the Stryder Titans as that one had some issues with overheating and issues with the traction on the wet ground and mud. Having installed modified feet, the Stryder had less issues with the traction, and with an improved radiator and fan system, it also had no issues with overheating.

Adam looked outside his window on the second floor of the farmhouse and overlooked most of the farmlands. Today was a nice day, the sun was shining and he saw the Titans the farm had working on the farm, getting the crops moved to storage and all that. He does miss the Atlas Titan, as that one was out of action because of past issues. It had a common failure in one of the leg joints, but there were not enough parts to get it repaired. So it was not able to be used. The other Titans were Ogres and two Stryder Titans. They did notice the Atlas missing as production was not up to what they used to have with it in service. But nothing could be done about that.

He went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast and that is when he also heard that today there was a Titan parade in the city and that they had tickets for that parade. The parade would start at 12 o'clock, roughly 3 hours from now. He was wished a happy birthday by his dad Edward and his Mom and there were indeed some small presents on the table in the kitchen. He opened them to find some interesting stuff, a new sight for his AS-VAL that he has, some new brushes for painting and some pencils for drawing and sketching. He thanked Edward and Mom and went outside to sit on the porch, looking at the Titans working. His thoughts were really with the farm and the Titans. *What could I be able to do when I complete my study? How can I improve these Titans to be more efficient? How much cheaper can I get stuff compared to bringing in an external company for repairs?* Mostly questions in his mind, but they were valid. He wanted to live here forever, living close to his favorite spot on the beach, just 25 km's west of the farm, the city is 20 km's south and just nature around.

Slowly eating his breakfast, it was almost time to get ready to leave and going in just some simple farming clothes would not work. So he went to his room and changed into his more daily used clothes when he would go to the city and to the miniature store.

He was called by his Mother to come downstairs, as they had to leave.

They took their truck to the city, which would take 25 minutes to drive, they could have also walked. But that would take 45 minutes purely walking or 30 minutes if they were jogging with some running.

When they arrived at 11:30, the city was already pretty busy. People standing in lines for tickets, fences were already placed on the road where the Titans would be walking and people were already getting to their spots.

Because they already had their tickets, they could move up ahead, and they did reserve some really nice spots. Being at the start of the Titan parade, so they saw them first.

The time ticked to 11:59, and the speakers that were around the main road were starting to make noise. The announcer of the parade started talking through the speakers. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I welcome you all to this first ever Gamma-4 Titan parade! We have a packed schedule so let's get this show on the road! The following Titan models will be shown. Up first we got the Atlas Titans, modified for mining and farming operations, following the Atlas Titans are the Ogre Titans, which were modified for carry capabilities and as last we have the Stryder Titans, which are improved to be more capable for carrying and mining/farming operations. After these, there will be Military variants also shown, in the same order. At the end, we have a special announcement from General Manager Tobi, from Hammond Robotics. In the meantime enjoy the parade!" and the noise cut out, and the parade was getting started.

Both Adam and Edward always were more interested in what there was to offer compared to the older Titans they had, what improvements were made, changes and general impressions. While the specialized Atlas Titans for mining and farming were nice, at least from the outside. It appeared they did not change much, except for some newer components attached. The same goes for Ogre Titans, just a general component upgrade. The Stryder Titans, however, were really more modified, they appeared to look heavier, stronger and more capable than the older ones. Clearly, there is a market for a less heavier Titan than an Atlas or Ogre. So it was nice to see them bringing the Stryder up to that level.

Now the parade was shifting to the Military models and while in reality, these did not change much compared to their standard loadout, one Titan in particular caught the eye of Adam. "Hey Edward, do you see that Atlas/Ogre combination Titan?" he said, while pointing towards the soft green/yellow Titan that was walking in between the Atlas Titans. "O yeah, huh. Wonder why they would try to combine them. It does appear to use the Atlas legs, but the Ogre chassis" Edward replied while being a bit confused on why they would try that.

Adam however, figured that had to do with trying to make a balance between their weight classes, the strength of the Atlas legs and sturdy Ogre chassis.

Gamma-4, and the story of Adam DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now