Chapter 6 Earning Trust [ Year: January 2712 ]

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With the ship approaching its designated spot on the MCS James MacAllan, Adam is still passed out. BT has kept an eye on him as the others sleep. "Approaching our destination," the pilot calls over the comms. Everyone slowly starts waking up and preparing for the landing.

The ship touches down, and medics come on board to bring Adam to the medical bay, where they will further examine him. The rest of the team heads towards the debriefing room to get debriefed; there is plenty to discuss.

-A few hours later-

This one took way longer than expected.

Everyone comes out of the debriefing. "I am going to check on Adam. What are you all going to do?" Lastimosa says. "We are going to get some food and then head towards the Titan Bay," Gates responds. "Alright, see you there potentially," Lastimosa says and makes his way towards the medical bay

When he arrives at the medical bay, he has no clue which room Adam is actually in. Seeing two medics talking to each other at the vending machines, he walks up to them and asks, "Excuse me, do any of you know which room Adam is in?" "Adam is in room 4. He is still passed out, but his vitals are stable," one of the doctors responds. "Thank you," he replies and moves towards Adam's room.

He opens the door and enters the room. The rhythmic beeping sounds through the entire room, and just like the doctor said, Adam is still passed out.

He decides to take a seat and continues to think about what is so special about Adam and the mysterious package that was sent to him.

"It must have been very important to the IMC; otherwise, they would not dedicate so many resources to it." It kept him busy, with some additional talks with BT during the time until he is brought out of the moment by Briggs, who enters the room

"Surprised to see you here," he remarks. "Yeah, I know. I figured I should come by to check on him as I have the time," Briggs responds.

"Guessing you have been busy thinking about it all?" Briggs asks.

"Mhm, it has been bothering me honestly. But maybe Adam can bring answers to that, or at least some," he replies.

"Agreed, it would be helpful. Maybe we can convince him to join the Militia," Briggs replies. "That sounds like a great idea, honestly!" he remarks.

"Seems like he is waking up," Lastimosa says. Briggs looks at Adam and notices slight movements in his fingers and arms. She nods and takes a seat, waiting for Adam to become fully aware.

To Adam, it feels like he is waking up from a 24-hour sleep. Some parts of his body still feel numb, but the sensation is slowly fading away. He hears a rhythmic beep coming from somewhere behind him and opens his eyes. He looks around, confused, trying to figure out where he is, but nothing here really clarifies that.

As he looks in front of him, he sees two people sitting at a table. He looks them both right in the eyes. One of them is wearing an orange-green suit, and the other is wearing a blue and black suit. He kind of recognizes the person in the orange-green suit, but the person's name slips his mind.

"Where am I?" he stammers. They can sense he is nervous. "MCS James MacAllan, from the 9th Militia fleet. You are in the medical bay. Do you still remember my name?" the person in the orange-green suit asks. He gives the person a confused look before sighing and shaking his head.

"I am Captain Lastimosa, and this here is Commander Briggs," Lastimosa replies. "We have a few questions for you, if you are feeling well enough to answer," Briggs says.

"I can try my best," he stammers.

"Good enough for us. Do you have any clue or idea why the IMC is chasing you?" Briggs asks.

Gamma-4, and the story of Adam DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now