Chapter 15: The Field of Lost Souls

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As Steph and her party fled from the demon loyalists through the chaotic streets of Grim's Gate, they stumbled upon a vast field where the souls of the slain wandered aimlessly, trapped in a state of limbo between life and death. The sight was haunting, a grim reminder of the toll that the holy war had taken on the land and its people.

Amidst the sea of lost souls, they encountered their next foe—a formidable warrior known as Chiron, his eyes burning with a fierce determination as he stepped forward to confront them. With a clash of steel and magic, they engaged in a fierce battle, each side vying for supremacy in the shadow of the wandering souls that surrounded them.

Despite their best efforts, Steph and her companions found themselves locked in a stalemate with Chiron, his strength and skill matching their own blow for blow. But just as victory seemed within their grasp, Chiron unleashed a powerful spell, opening a portal that engulfed them in a blinding light.

When the light faded, Steph and her party found themselves in an unfamiliar land known as BeastTopia—a realm inhabited by humans and beast people alike, where the boundaries between friend and foe were blurred and danger lurked around every corner.

With their surroundings shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, Steph and her companions knew that they faced a new set of challenges in this strange land. But with their bonds of friendship and their determination to see their quest through to the end, they were prepared to face whatever trials awaited them, united in their shared purpose to bring an end to the holy war and restore peace to the world once more.

I Got Reincarnated and thrown into a Holy War?!Where stories live. Discover now