Chapter 24: Reunion and Preparation

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As the morning sun cast its golden light upon the land, Steph and Azreal emerged from their chamber at the inn, their hearts still aglow with the passion of the night before. With a shared sense of purpose, they made their way back to Mount Celestia, where they were soon joined by their companions, each bearing the marks of their own transformations.

Their elf friend, now wielding two swords infused with elemental magic, stood tall and resolute, his eyes gleaming with newfound power and determination. The Ranger, once skilled with a bow, now stood beside a majestic dragon, its scales shimmering with arcane energy as it obeyed its master's commands with unwavering loyalty.

And then there was the mage, transformed into a full-sized adult whose handsome visage left Steph in awe. With newfound confidence and maturity, he stood among his companions, his presence commanding respect and admiration.

Together, they stood before Archangel Vash, their hearts united in their shared purpose to confront the demon lord and bring an end to the holy war. But before they could embark on their final journey, Vash issued a challenge—a sparring match to test their strength and readiness for the battles that lay ahead.

With a sense of excitement and determination, Steph and her companions accepted the challenge, their weapons drawn and their spirits alight with anticipation. In a flurry of motion, they clashed with Vash, their skills and abilities put to the test as they fought with all their might against the mighty archangel.

But despite Vash's formidable strength and skill, it was Steph and her companions who emerged victorious, their teamwork and determination proving to be more than a match for the archangel's might. With a nod of respect, Vash acknowledged their victory, his gaze filled with pride and admiration for the warriors before him.

And so, with their spirits buoyed by their triumph in battle, Steph and her companions stood ready to embark on the final leg of their journey. With determination burning in their hearts and the bonds of friendship guiding their way, they prepared to step through the portal to the demon lord's domain, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them with courage and resolve.

I Got Reincarnated and thrown into a Holy War?!Where stories live. Discover now