Chapter 22: The Culmination of Training

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In the final week of Steph's training within the pocket dimension, momentous developments unfolded that would forever alter the course of her journey. With each passing day, she delved deeper into her newfound abilities, honing her skills and pushing the boundaries of her power to their limits.

Through her dedication and perseverance, Steph unlocked the ability to summon the souls of past heroes to aid her in battle, their spirits lending their strength and wisdom to her cause through the conduit of light magic. With each summoning, she felt the presence of these noble souls surrounding her, their courage and valor fueling her resolve in the face of adversity.

But that was not the extent of her newfound abilities, for she had also mastered the art of shadow binding magic, weaving shadows with her dark magic to ensnare and immobilize her enemies with deadly precision. With a flick of her wrist, she could command the shadows to obey her will, binding her foes in chains of darkness and rendering them powerless against her onslaught.

As Steph continued to train alongside the Archangel Knight Azreal, she witnessed firsthand the extent of his divine blessing—anointing him with the power to return to the world of the living until the demon lord's defeat. With a sense of awe and reverence, she watched as Azreal wielded his newfound strength with grace and purpose, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf their world.

In the final days of their training, Steph and Azreal sparred tirelessly, their blades clashing in a whirlwind of steel and magic as they pushed each other to their limits. With each clash, they grew stronger, their bond forged in the crucible of battle as they prepared themselves for the trials that lay ahead.

And as the week drew to a close and the time came for them to return to the world of the living, Steph knew that she was ready to face whatever challenges awaited her, armed with her newfound abilities and the unwavering support of her companions. With Azreal at her side and the souls of past heroes guiding her, she embarked on the final leg of her journey with courage and determination, ready to confront the demon lord and bring an end to the holy war once and for all.

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