Chapter 25: Reunion at the Portal

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As Steph and her party stepped through the portal to the demon lord's domain, they were greeted by a sight that filled them with both relief and anticipation. Before them stood the Beast King and King Gazef, their kingdoms' armies assembled in a display of unity and determination.

With a sense of reverence, Steph and her companions approached the kings, their hearts filled with gratitude for the support they had received in their quest to confront the demon lord. With a nod of acknowledgment, the kings welcomed them with open arms, their expressions reflecting a mixture of relief and concern.

"It is good to see you again, Steph," the Beast King said, his voice tinged with warmth. "We have been anxiously awaiting your arrival, knowing that the fate of our world hangs in the balance."

Steph returned the Beast King's greeting with a respectful bow, her eyes meeting King Gazef's with a sense of familiarity and camaraderie. "It is an honor to stand before you once more, Your Majesty," she said, her voice steady despite the weight of their shared burden. "We have come to face the demon lord and bring an end to this holy war once and for all."

With that, Steph and the kings exchanged news and updates on the progress of the war against the demon lord, sharing tales of triumph and hardship as they prepared themselves for the final battle that lay ahead. Despite the challenges they had faced and the losses they had suffered, they remained steadfast in their determination to see their quest through to the end, united in their shared purpose to bring peace to their world once more.

And as they stood together at the threshold of the demon lord's domain, Steph knew that their greatest trial was yet to come. But with the support of her companions and the alliance forged between their kingdoms, she was ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, confident in their ability to emerge victorious and bring an end to the holy war that had ravaged their world for far too long.

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