Chapter 17: Audience with the Beast King

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As Steph and her party stood before the imposing figure of Beast King Lionel, ruler of BeastTopia, they awaited his judgment with bated breath. The arena's victory still fresh in their minds, they hoped to gain his favor and perhaps find a way to fulfill their ultimate goal: returning to the demon lord's domain to continue their quest.

Beast King Lionel regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and respect, his eyes piercing as he spoke. "You have proven yourselves worthy warriors," he boomed, his voice resonating throughout the grand hall. "But if you seek to return to the demon lord's domain, you will need the aid of one whose power rivals even that of the demons themselves."

Steph and her companions exchanged glances, their interest piqued by the king's words. "Who must we seek out, Your Majesty?" Steph asked, her voice steady despite the anticipation coursing through her veins.

The Beast King's gaze grew solemn as he revealed their next destination. "You must seek out Archangel Vash The Stampede," he declared, his tone grave. "He is a being of great power and wisdom, and he alone holds the key to traversing the realms between worlds."

Steph nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead. "Where can we find this archangel, Your Majesty?" she inquired, her determination unwavering.

Beast King Lionel gestured toward a distant mountain range on the horizon. "He resides atop Mount Celestia, the highest peak in all of BeastTopia," he explained. "But be warned, the journey will not be easy. Mount Celestia is guarded by powerful celestial beings and treacherous terrain."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Steph and her companions bowed respectfully before the Beast King, their resolve hardened by the task that lay ahead. With the fate of their world hanging in the balance, they knew that they must face whatever challenges awaited them on their journey to seek out Archangel Vash The Stampede and secure their passage back to the demon lord's domain.

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