Tackling the First Day of Faction High ~ Chapter 3

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Tobias's POV~

Well that was a new experience, I don't know who that girl was checking up on me, but I would love to know who she was, she seems like a very lovely person, I wish i could have introduced myself but we got interrupted by my father once again.

It seems as though when other people come around me and my father, a different side of Marcus comes out that I normally don't see, it's as if I see the father side of him only around other people but when it's just me and him I see the true Marcus side, the strict enforcer of which he is.

I'm not looking forward to the First day at Faction High but I'd rather be there then be home, since I'm 16 this will be my Junior Year of High school, I wonder how 11th grade will be?

After Junior Year we only have our Senior Year left which is 12th grade and then were done with high school.

I walk back into the house and see Marcus standing there in the doorway looking at something behind me, so I turn around to see a silver jeep zoom down our street and realize that its the girl I just encountered.

My she's beautiful, her short blonde bob is adorable on her.

I notice an older boy in the driver's seat, is that Caleb? He reminds me of this boy that i knew back in Australia before Marcus made us move due to the divorce he went through with my mother Evelyn.

We recently moved here over the summer a few months before Caleb and his family moved here as well

I guess Chicago is the place to go.

Is that girl his girlfriend? I never had an opportunity to meet his family but he didn't mention that he had a sister who was living with her grandmother at the time.

Is that his sister?

I snap out of my ridiculous daydream by the sound of the belt hitting the ground and I look at Marcus to realize that he had dropped the belt and I take this to my advantage to quickly grabbing my bag and since I haven't started the entire process in getting my drivers license I walk my way to Faction High, ready to start a new year.

When I get to school I Scan the Perimeter of the school ground and I see all new faces, except I spot two faces I recognize.

Caleb and that lovely girl, they're walking into the building in quite a hurry, I then glance at my watch and I notice the time 7:22 Am, I only have 13 minutes to get to my first period on time since the first bell rings at 7:35 and the late bell rings at 7:45.

Tris's POV~

Me and Caleb finally arrive to school and we hurry inside the building noticing all new faces and we quickly go to the office to retrieve our schedules for the year.

I walk up to the man sitting at the desk in the office.

"Hello my name's Beatrice Prior may i get my schedule please?"

"Sure thing darling, I'm Max by the way" he says

"Thank you Max" I say

"No Problem Beatrice have a good first day" He responds

I gain a wide smile on my face, maybe this won't be as bad a I am suspecting it'll be

Caleb got his Schedule right after me

Today is our A-day Scheldule, since our school follows an A-Day~B-Day Scheldule

"What are your Classes for today?" I ask Caleb

"First Period I have AP Biology with Mr. Masino, Second Period I have AP Literature with Mrs.Price, Third Period I have Earth and Space sciene with Mr.Linton, then I have fourth lunch and after that I have Fourth Period which is AP Statistics with Mr.Misuraca, what about you Beatrice?"

"First Period I have Computer graphics 2 with Mrs. Buchanan, Second Period AP World History with Mr.Hargraves, Then I have first lunch and then I have Third Period which is Chemistry with Mrs.Fudold and then Fourth Period I have AP Language and Composition with Mrs.Hendricks"

"By Beatrice I'll meet you at the end of the day at the front of the school if I don't see you through out the day"

"Okay Bye Caleb have a good day!"

"You too!" Caleb shouts

And with that Caleb is down the hallway and around the corner off to class and I decide to scramble to my First Period.

I head down the hallway and Look at the room number for my first period and it says 123, I easily find my class and with that I step foot into the Classroom.

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