Caleb becomes Poker Faced~ Chapter 5

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Tris's POV~

Me and Caleb arrive home and to unwind for a bit we have some bonding time by taking a little walk down to the creek behind our house and it's rather enjoyable.

We get down to the creek and sit on a little ledge that over looks the rest of the beautiful woods, as we're sitting there Caleb rests his head on my shoulder and lets out a huff of air.

I wrap my arm around his lanky side, we begin to kick our feet against the rock lightly.

"Buddy are you okay?" I ask the question that ponders

"I received a call from Mom, Today while I was in the middle of lunch and I stepped outside the Cafeteria into the music Hall to take the call"


"Mom-mom had her doctors appointment today with her cancer doctor Mr.Wolf today and you know the little nodule she felt in her left breast she found a few days ago?"

"Sadly" I let the word quietly escape from my dry lips

"Mr.Wolf confirmed it as a positive cancer lump" He lets his head hang and he intertwines his leg around my leg as a sign saying I'm still here.

My heart immediately sinks into my stomach, a few tears march down my face and it's usually hard to make me cry but pertaining to my grandmother it's the easiest thing to do.

"May I go and visit her please" I plead

"Actually that's what Mom wanted me to ask you, would you be willing to miss school for a week or so to help take care of her and be her anchor while she endures this tough time?"

"I would love nothing more"

"I would go but I know how close you two are, you're practically sisters and Dad texted me after I talked to mom and asked if I would go with him to Florida to help Aunt Sherrie Move" he said

"Where is she moving to?" I question

"To Australia to be with Mom-mom"

"So Sherrie, her daughters Lauren, Addie, and Eva and her boyfriend Scott?"

"Oui" he smirks when saying

"Okay when do you guys leave?"

"Wednesday the same day as you"

Today is Monday, I close my eyes to take everything in.

"Hey Let's head back and begin homework" He tells me

As we're walking back to our house I hear my name faintly.

I look to Caleb and he looks puzzled

"Tris up here!"

Me and Caleb both look a few houses down to find Tobias sitting on his roof waving

I lift my hand to wave back when I feel a pair of lips land on mine out of the blue

I look at the face in front of me and go to pull back when I see Caleb but his arms wrap around my body and one of his hands pinch my ass, as his hands get curious and travels up the back of my t-shirt I hear Tobias clearing his throat.

Uh-oh I just wanna go give him a hug and tell him the truth, I mean all the the truth not just this incident.

"I'm Sorry Tris I didn't mean to interrupt you to I won't get in your way anymore, you guys make a cute couple also I'm extremely sorry " He says with a slight frown and walks to the side of his house to get off his roof.

In the mean time Caleb has a death grip on my wrist and drags me back to our house.

Caleb Quickly shut's the door.

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