Chapter 2: Backyard Chat

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After walking, huffing, and screaming into the fields for about two hours; I finally return to that awful yellow house with the green shutters. The candles are not lit in the house so I suppose that everyone is asleep. I walk to the side of the house to a white gate that lets me into the backyard. I walk to the middle of it which has a white gazebo with lilies growing around it. To the right and in the corner, is a white bench swing hanging from a big oak tree. I walk over to the swing and sit on it letting the swing go back and forth as the fall breeze ruffles my loose curls. I am looking at the way the grace dances to the wind's music when I hear soft footsteps walking across the grass. I look up from the performance and see Jamie in the same clothes from earlier.

"Jamie? Why are you still up? Tis surely to be incredibly late." I say as he walks closer to me and sits next to me on the swing. He looks up at me with a solemn face and puts a comforting hand on mine.

"I could be askin' ye the same question, lassie." Jamie says in that full Scottish accent of his that I love so much. Jamie is from Edinburgh, Scotland but his family wanted to give him a better life and sent him here to the colonies.

"But you won't ask me that question because you're too nice of a person." I say as I bump his shoulder with mine. Jamie chuckles while shaking his head at me.

"You are probably going to tell me that I shouldn't have yelled at Mother and Father like that." I sigh sadly as I bury my face into my hands. He puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Actually, ye were right to call the master and mistress out for not being real parents to ye and Miss Eve." Jamie explains with sympathy on his face

"How can you say that? I said 'no' to my father and mother when they provided a roof over my head and food in my stomach! I should like to marry Duke Basset, however I barely know the man. I do not know his interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes or anything except that he is a Duke. How can a marriage succeed if I do not know this man at all?" I cry as I stand up from the swing and pace back and forth.

"That is why ye will go on a promenade with Duke Basset in the morning." Jamie promises as he stands up from the swing and takes my hand in his.

"What if I do not like him? What if he is just like my father and a terrible person? What if I am a miserable wife? What-" I worry but then Jamie puts his finger over my lips and I stop talking.

"What if yer nose falls off and you cannot smell? Ye worry to much, Mo ghrá." He says with a laugh and I burst out laughing myself.


We continue chatting like we used to when we were children and it is a marvelous feeling to be sure.

Hey Jamie, what did you say about patriots earlier today when my father was talking about the Boston Tea Party?

I believe I said something around the lines of What does he know about the Patriots? He is a pompous old man who treats his daughters like shit. Those patriots are correct for tossing the tea crates into the sea! Jamie says in his best impression of my father and I crack up laughing and he does as well.

I knew it! I knew that you were a patriot! I exclaim and he puts a hand over my mouth. Jamie shakes his head and sighs at me.

Dont be daft, lassie! Yer father cannot know I am a Patriot. Jamie says as he takes his hand off my mouth and tickles me in the sides. Just like when we were children. I breathe and sigh because the worries are still going through my head.

"Anyway, if it would ease yer nerves, I will escort ye to the Basset Estate tomorrow." Jamie offers and before he has time to blink I rush up and hug him.

"That would be amazing Jamie! You are such a great friend!" I exclaim and he blushes when I pull away from him.

"Ye better get some rest before yer big day with the Duke." Jamie says and I nod in agreement as I kiss him on the cheek before heading inside.

"Is breá liom tú, sassenach. Tá grá agam duit ó bhuaileamar le chéile den chéad uair. Iarraim ort gan an diúc a phósadh, mé a phósadh ina ionad." I hear him say quietly as I walk to the front of the house. Sassenach means outsider in Gaelic, but I do not know what the rest means. I mean calling me outsider does make sense because I dont belong anywhere, even in my own family. When I get to the porch, I quietly take off my shoes and turn the doorknob. I open the door and close it slowly so I don't wake up the house. I take my skirts and walk up the steps to the first bedroom on the right. I crack the door to check on Evelyn and she is fast asleep. I walk down to the last bedroom at the end of the hall and I walk into my bedroom. I quickly undress and get into my night dress. I then walk to my bed and get under the covers. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall fast asleep.

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