Chapter 10

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Eunho had two days of holiday as it was Saturday and Sunday. He did nothing much, to be honest. He was bored most of the time, and in between tried to read something, had evening walks with Yejun and maybe his mind drifted to someone as well.

Now, it was Monday and unlike the usual grumpy boy on Mondays, Eunho was weirdly excited. Maybe because he would meet someone. "Bye, mom" Eunho gave her mother a peck on the cheeks and rushed out to go to the bus stop on time.

"I met him last time around here. Does he live here nearby?" Eunho asked himself, bouncing his leg as he was sitting waiting for the bus. His bus did come, but the person he was waiting for didn't.

He reached his university and saw a big banner present there. "Tayang University Prom of 2024" Oh? Exciting. "Free entry for university students. It will be held after our exams. Ohhhhh~" Eunho sang, his mouth making an oval.

"If I had a boyfriend, I surely would have gone" But their exams are after a month. And prom will probably take place a few weeks after that, maybe he would be able to go with his significant other. If not this year then next year for sure. He then started walking towards his class a thought invading his mind without his permission.

But Seonho hyung will graduate this year. Eunho stopped in his tracks, he blinked his eyes and then made a funny face- by scrunching his nose and squinting his eyes.

What? Where did he come from? He shook his head, since he had met Seonho he had gone slightly crazy.

Anyway, then he went to his class and saw Yejun hadn't reached. He sat with Insoo and turned around so that Yeonseok could listen as well.

"Yejun didn't come today? Did he tell you he will be absent?" He asked them both.

"No, he didn't" both denied, the three looking at each other confused.

"I will just call him then," Eunho said and dialled Yejun's number. He picked up his call after several rings.

"Eun-" sniff "-ho. I couldn't tell you but I won't be able to come today". Yejun didn't even let Eunho say hi when he replied instantly. He sounded so weak and sick.

" Yejun? Oh my, baby. What happened? Are you sick?... oh, what?... you got heat stroke?" Eunho whispered-yelled in worry. He looked at the other two who were looking at him with tensed faces.

"Don't worry about the classes. I will give you notes. You just rest well, take medicines and don't be in warm temperature. We'll visit you after uni, and will also bring you a lot of ice cream... ok, love you, bye" Eunho cut the call, his lower lip jutting out as he was sad.

"He got heat stroke so is running down with fever. Poor, Yejunie" Eunho sighed.

"He might have spent too much time in the sun that's why, maybe. I hope he gets well soon" Insoo looked at the empty seat beside Yeonseok with a sad face. Yejun is such a mood maker and sunshine of their group. Without him, things feel kind of dull.

"Our strong boy will be fine. Don't worry you both too much. Also, Eun did you hear?" Yeonseok leaned forward to their desk and whispered. Both of them leaned back to hear him.

"Gyuwook has been missing since Thursday" Eunho's eyes enlarged at the information, his hands flying to cover his mouth.

"W-what? But I just saw him that day" Eunho whispered- shocked. His bully is missing, and Eunho doesn't know how exactly to feel.

"I think he went missing after that. Well- I am not even surprised. I am sure he did something to get himself into trouble. Karma is a bitch" Yeonseok shrugged. They all hate him to the core.

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