Chapter 1: Silent Moon

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My fingers hovered over the phone screen, the silence between our last messages stretching into an uncomfortable void. It had only been a few hours since we last texted, but the quiet felt deafening. Was she mad? Did I say something wrong?
These past few weeks with Myra have been incredible.

We talked for hours, sharing dreams, fears, and everything in between. Her wit made me laugh, her insights surprised me, and her kindness warmed my heart. She felt different, a connection deeper than any I'd experienced before.
The fear, though, was a constant companion. A low hum of anxiety thrumming beneath the surface. The fear of losing her, of this fragile connection snapping. Maybe it was the way she opened up, the way she trusted me with her vulnerabilities, that made the thought of losing her sting so badly.
I reread our last conversation, searching for any missed cues, any hint that might explain the sudden silence. It seemed normal, our usual playful banter. Yet, the lack of a reply felt like a weight settling in my chest.

We weren't officially anything yet, just two people who connected online. But in that short time, Myra had come to mean more to me than just words on a screen. She was a beacon of light in my day, a confidante, and a friend. The thought of that disappearing filled me with a dread I couldn't quite shake.
Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to put the phone down. Maybe she was just busy. Maybe I was overreacting. But the fear lingered, a shadow cast by the uncertainty.
As night fell, I found myself gazing at the moon, its cool light bathing the world in a silvery glow. It felt like a silent observer, a witness to the connection blossoming between Myra and me. I wished I could share this view with her, to know what she was thinking, feeling.

With a sigh, I closed my eyes, a silent plea echoing in my heart. Hoping that tomorrow would bring a message, a reply that would chase away the shadows of doubt and fear.
I'm scrolling through chat history, my stomach is clenching with every unanswered question.
Maybe she's just busy...This time my logic is offering a weak counterpoint to the storm of worries swirling in this head. But what if something happened? What if she's mad at me?"
This is why you can't trust people online. Yet a part of me rebelled against the cynicism, clinging to the hope that our connection was real.Maybe I should just send a message? But what if it pushes her further away?

The space between our words,
a heavy weight,
A pressing silence,
filled with anxious wait.
My mind, a storm of
questions left me unsaid,
Longing for connection,
a message instead.
To reach across the void,
a voice to send,
Yet fear of intrusion,
a battle without end.
For silence, though heavy,
can sometimes hold space,
Then a message unwelcome,
a misplaced embrace.
So I wait, with patience,
a thread held so thin,
Hoping for your voice,
to let the silence win.

Why did I get so involved? Why did I let myself care? This exhaustion is eventually overtaking my worries dragging me into a restless sleep filled with fractured dreams and unanswered texts. Why I can't sleep at night? Why am I getting so affected?Is this a sort of prank she did?
It's 11:11..I don't believe in Angel Numbers but if they still work I pray for her, the silence of the room replacing the digital void. I could send another message, but for now, it feels intrusive.

We'd been talking every night, sharing stories and dreams under the same moonlit sky. Her absence feels like a missing piece, a discordant note in our newfound harmony pushing those thoughts away, clinging to the hope that there's a simple explanation.
I guess I should trust Muse...Perhaps she's busy, or maybe she just needs some time to herself. I'll send her a message in the morning, a simple one expressing his concern and hoping she's alright.
For now, let the quiet night settle around my room.The moon, a silent observer, offers a sliver of comfort. Whenever I close my eyes, picturing Myra under the same moonlit sky, hopes are rising that tomorrow will bring a message filled with her familiar warmth.

Good Night Muse always be happy and smiling I am missing the bracket smiley .)
You'd send me this time while reading skies of Arcadia

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