Chapter 12: The tangled Web

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The single message hung on the screen, a stark contrast to the cheerful anticipation that had filled the room just moments ago. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the sudden silence.
"Myra? But... I thought your name was Maya," the message read.  The words seemed to mock the carefully curated outfits laid out on my bed, the excitement that had buzzed in the air mere minutes ago.
Panic clawed at my throat. Was this a misunderstanding?  A cruel joke?  Or  had I been building a connection with a complete stranger all along? Every message, every shared interest, every late-night conversation – could it all have been a carefully constructed illusion?

Confusion choked the air out of the room. Rohan's message echoed in my mind: "Myra? Isn't it Maya?"  My fingers flew across the keyboard, frantically typing a response to Rohan clarifying the name.  But his reply sent a jolt of fear through me.
"Myra? But... I thought your name was Maya," it read.
The carefully chosen outfit, the meticulously styled hair – everything felt like a cheap imitation suddenly.  The anticipation that had kept me awake for nights on end now morphed into a cold dread.  Who was I supposed to be meeting?  Myra or Maya?  And more importantly, who was I actually talking to?
The doubt festered in my mind.  I reread old messages, searching for inconsistencies, for any hint that might explain this sudden confusion.  But everything seemed normal.  Or maybe I just wanted it to seem normal, clinging to the fragile hope that this was all a silly misunderstanding.
With trembling hands, I typed a message to Abhi.  It was short, just one question that hung heavy in the digital silence: "Who is Maya?"
The question felt like a punch to the gut.  "Who is Maya?"  My mind raced, searching for an answer.  But there was none.  I didn't know who Maya was.  The only person I thought I was talking to was Myra.
A wave of frustration washed over me.  Months of conversation, of shared dreams and late-night laughter, all potentially built on a misunderstanding.  I typed a reply to Myra, mirroring her question with a heavy heart: "Who is Maya to you?"
As I hit send, a wave of exhaustion washed over me.  The excitement of the upcoming trip had been replaced by a gnawing uncertainty.  The world of online connections, once filled with promise, now felt like a minefield.
Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the screen.  With a deep breath, I closed my laptop, the click echoing the sudden emptiness in the room.  The trip, the plans, the carefully curated outfits – they all felt irrelevant now.
Silence stretched between us, a heavy weight in the digital space.  My phone remained stubbornly blank, a stark contrast to the constant buzz of notifications it usually held.  The confusion gnawed at me, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.
Picking up my phone, I stared at the picture of Rohan, a familiar face suddenly shrouded in doubt.  Was there some explanation he could offer?  Some clue to unravel this tangled mess?  With a heavy heart, I dialed his number..

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