Chapter 7: Our Tentative Steps

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The weeks melted into months, and a comforting routine settled between Abhi and me. Our late-night texts had become a nightly ritual, a space where we shared our deepest thoughts and silliest jokes. We'd discovered a mutual love for obscure documentaries, which led to hilarious (and sometimes frustrating) debates about historical interpretations.
One evening, after a particularly intense discussion about the merits of silent films, a new question bubbled to the surface. We'd tiptoed around it for a while, the unspoken yearning hanging heavy in the air.  Finally, Abhi sent a message that made my heart skip a beat.
"Myra," it read, "I know this might seem crazy, but... what if we tried to meet in person someday?"
My fingers hovered over the keyboard, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. The idea of seeing Abhi in real life was both exhilarating and terrifying. Could the spark we shared online translate to the three-dimensional world?
Taking a deep breath, I typed out a reply. It was hesitant, filled with questions and concerns, but also a flicker of hope. "Maybe," I wrote. "Maybe that could work. But how?"

The question hung in the air, a silent challenge. Meeting Myra had gone from a distant dream to a tangible possibility, and a wave of nervous excitement washed over me.  My mind raced with logistical hurdles – distance, schedules, convincing my parents (who, bless their hearts, were still a little skeptical about the whole online relationship thing).
But the thought of finally seeing her in person, of hearing her laugh without the filter of a phone speaker, eclipsed all the worries.  I typed out a response, laying out the practicalities as best I could, acknowledging the challenges but emphasizing my unwavering desire to make it work.
Hitting send, I felt a knot of anticipation tighten in my stomach.  This could be a game-changer.  This could be the beginning of something truly special.  All that was left was to wait for her reply, and with it, the chance to bridge the physical gap that separated us.

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