Chapter 11: Wrench in the Plans

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Excitement crackled in the air like static. The trip to the charming coastal town, the culmination of months of online connection with Abhi, was mere days away. My suitcase lay open on my bed, a carefully curated selection of outfits reflecting my desire to make a good first impression.
But amidst the whirlwind of packing and planning, a nagging worry crept into my mind. It stemmed from a seemingly innocuous conversation with Sarah earlier that day..
"So, you're finally meeting Abhi?" Sarah had asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Yep, can you believe it?" I replied, my voice buzzing with excitement.
"That's amazing! What does he look like again?"
I hesitated. "Well, he hasn't sent me any pictures, but he describes himself as tall with dark hair and kind of nerdy in a cute way."
Sarah's brow furrowed. "No pictures? That's a bit weird, isn't it?"
My stomach lurched. Now that she mentioned it, it did seem a little strange. But Abhi had always seemed so genuine in our conversations, his personality and humor shining through. Surely, the lack of a picture wasn't a dealbreaker, right?
Abhi's Perspective
Butterflies danced in my stomach as I stared at the reflection in the mirror. The carefully chosen outfit, the meticulously styled hair – everything felt calculated to make a good impression on Myra. The anticipation was almost unbearable.
But then, a notification buzzed on my phone. It was a message from Rohan, my ever-reliable best friend.
"Hey man," the message began, "Just checking in. Everything good to go for the trip?"
I typed out a quick reply, brimming with excitement. "Yeah, dude! Can't wait to finally meet Myra in person."
Rohan's reply arrived almost instantly, but its tone sent a shiver down my spine. "Wait, Myra? Isn't it Maya?"
Myra's Perspective
The doubt Sarah had planted in my mind blossomed into a full-blown seed of insecurity. Maybe I should have insisted on a picture, or at least a video call. What if Abhi wasn't who he said he was?
Panic clawed at my throat. I grabbed my phone and typed a message to Abhi. "Hey, can we talk about something before the trip?"

Confusion washed over me. Myra? Maya? What was Rohan talking about? I reread Rohan's message, searching for any typos or misunderstandings. But it was clear – Rohan thought I was meeting someone named Maya.
My heart hammered in my chest. There had to be a mistake. I scrambled to reply to Rohan. "Dude, you've got it wrong! It's Myra, M-Y-R-A. We've been talking for months!"
Myra's Perspective
The reply from Rohan took a while to arrive. When it did, a single sentence hung in the air, heavy with confusion: "Myra? But... I thought your name was Maya."
The world seemed to tilt on its axis. My carefully constructed plans, the months of anticipation, all threatened to crumble in an instant. Could it be a misunderstanding? Or had I been building a connection with a complete stranger all along?

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