Chapter 8: Bridging Our Distance

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Days melted into weeks as Abhi and I explored the possibility of meeting in person. The excitement of his initial proposal had settled into a comfortable warmth, tinged with a touch of uncertainty.  Logistics, as always, proved to be the biggest hurdle. Distance was a major barrier, and with school schedules and family commitments, finding a time that worked for both of us felt like solving a complex math equation.
One afternoon, while wrestling with a particularly stubborn physics problem, my phone buzzed.  It was a message from Abhi, but the sender name wasn't his usual.  A flicker of curiosity sparked within me. It read:
"Hey Myra, it's Rohan!"

Frustration gnawed at me.  Meeting Myra in person felt like an impossible dream, a mountain range separating us with no clear path to the summit.  Then, inspiration struck (or maybe it was just the sheer desperation).  I grabbed my phone and messaged Rohan, my best friend, laying out the situation and begging for his ever-reliable brainstorming skills.  Minutes later, my phone buzzed with a reply.
Myra's Perspective
My curiosity piqued, I opened the message. It turned out Abhi had enlisted his best friend's help in brainstorming solutions. Rohan's message was a whirlwind of ideas, some feasible, some downright outlandish (a baking competition over video chat, anyone?).  Despite the absurdity of some suggestions, a wave of gratitude washed over me.  Abhi wasn't alone in this.  He had someone in his corner, cheering him on, just like Sarah was for me.

Hey Myra! Rohan here, Abhi's best friend (and self-proclaimed brainstorming extraordinaire at your service!). 
Listen, Abhi filled me in on the whole meeting-up situation, and let me tell you, my brain has been on fire!
Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling these would be taken from books or social media and few rom-coms so get your eyes locked on the screen

Convention Caper:
Is there a convention or event you're both interested in attending in the coming months? Maybe you could plan your trip around that! Imagine the excitement – shared interests, exploring a new place together, and who knows, maybe even some cool convention swag!

Halfway Haven:
This one's a classic for a reason! Find a city smack dab in the middle of where you both live and make a weekend of it.  Explore a new place together, try some local cuisine, and create some unforgettable memories.

The Great Video Chat Bake-Off:
Okay, this one might be a little silly, but hey, why not? You guys could pick the same recipe, bake it over video chat, and compare results. Winner gets bragging rights (and maybe a virtual trophy?). Plus, you get to enjoy some delicious homemade treats – win-win!

Rohan's enthusiasm was infectious.  The convention idea sounded intriguing, especially if there was a cool exhibit or workshop related to our shared interests.  But the halfway haven option held a certain charm too – a chance to explore a new city with Abhi sounded like an adventure!  The video chat bake-off, well, that was certainly unique.  I wasn't the most skilled baker, but the idea of having a friendly competition with Abhi was kind of fun.

Rohan's message arrived just in time.  Reading his ideas, a sense of hope flickered within me.  The convention caper was a great suggestion, especially if there was an upcoming event we were both interested in attending.  The halfway haven option was tempting too, but logistically a bit more challenging.  The video chat bake-off, while a little out there,  brought a smile to my face.  It was a way to spend time with Myra, have some fun, and maybe even learn something new in the process.
I quickly sent a message back to Myra, relaying Rohan's ideas and elaborating on my own thoughts.  Focusing on the convention caper and halfway haven options, I explained the pros and cons of each, highlighting the potential for shared experiences and creating lasting memories.

As I read Abhi's message, a sense of excitement bubbled within me.  He had put a lot of thought into this, considering all the possibilities.  The convention caper sounded like it could be a lot of fun, especially if we found an event we were both passionate about.  The halfway haven option was tempting too, but it would require careful planning and coordination with family schedules.
Taking a deep breath, I typed out a reply to Abhi.

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