the dark room

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Angelo's pov:

It truly wasn't my fault, none of it.
A small, dark room. I've always hated those, since the momment I went into that shop I should've known it would only result in trouble.

It wasn't my fault, he did it, not me.
He's the one who locked me in there, in that room full of weapons, I just figured out how to use them. Since then I've grown to loathe the dark. I contradict myself quite often.

I say I hate the dark, and yet I only kill at night. Its become a sort of solace to venture out at night and kill.
Their all just so weak, and vulnerable.
If I weren't cutting their faces and heads off, I might even feel sorry for them.

So stupid, they go out at night and expect to be safe,
No, they'll never be safe, not while I'm around, never, I won't allow it.

All of this truly just leads back to that room, it's where it all started, and it's where it will at all end. This story is a mess, the beggining is the end, the end is in the middle and the middle is at the end.

I may have done much wrong, but belive me he's worse. So much worse.
Just recounting that room, there wasn't enough room to breathe, i hid in a corner, you'll soon find out why.

The room was full of so much junk, rubbish, it's why I ripped it all up when I escaped. It was so dirty, cobwebs on the edges of the walls, spiders crawling on the door, I can still hear them, so loud...and annoying too.

I kill every spider I see now, I can't stand them, such ussesles creatures.
And it may be a strange dislike, but I hate dogs. All I can think of when I hear someone mention them is blood.
Blood splattering all over the clean, white, marble floor, it was so clean.

A shame it always seem stained by blood. I can hear the dogs bones cracking, so loud, probably painful.
So bendable, so loud, so harsh, so bloody. I cannot understand the purpose he had for doing it. Perhaps he wanted me to fear the little things..

Going back to how I kill at night, I remember the survivor.
Jill Agulire, the only survivor.
I usually never let someone escape me. But that woman was fast, too fast.
She could outrun a rabbit being chased by a lion.

I'd never made such a mistake, it will never happen again. No, that girl will die, i don't care how.

I can't let her live, she's proof of my failures, and I hate failing, I'm superior to them all, I can't fail.
She had brown hair, brown eyes, and I don't know how she'd managed to run, especially after I skinned her husband.

I find out more about her everyday, I've killed all her family, probably. If not, them I will, after all, I cannot afford any loose ends. At all. No, if I decided someone has to die, then they die.

The man, he had ginger hair and brown eyes, he was so weak, so, so weak. And stupid too, such an annoying combination. While dying, he didnt run, he didn't scream or cry, no, he smiled.

As he lay there, dying and breathless, his heart stopping, he had a soft smile on his face, almost as If he were at peace. I hated it. Those are the ones I hate the most, the ones who smile, it feels like their mocking me.
And I hate being mocked.

I can atleast respect the the girls sense of preservation, for running, and not dying like a fool, with a smile.
How does one die by smiling? I cannot understand it, he was In pain, I know it, so how?

The man just smiled, such a coward, he could've atleast tried running, or screaming, but he just layed there, as his wife watched him die and his skin rot. A fool, and a coward in every way.

I can't stand pacifists, their so annoying, and I know that man thought himself better than me, he wasn't.
I hate when people smile, and so many do, especially as they die. But I still kill them, for the rush, the adreline, to see the light leave their eyes, and their hearts stop.

I quite like seeing the sorrow on the faced of their loved ones.
The world would be better of without weak people, they're ussesles, of no purpose, only sht strong should live.
And I'll kill all the weak ones, and let the strong fight, I'll come out the strongest.

If anyone gets to decided who lives and dies, it should be me, only I have that right, not all those other scum.

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