the man in black

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????? pov:

If a man was stuck in a dark, small room, all alone, what would he do? If any sane, normal person, with a happy life got trapped, suddenly thrown into a world of horror, pain, and murder, what would they do?

Ask yourself this, put yourself in a strange man's shoes, and perhaps one day you'll understand why Angelo Holden did the things he did.

I personally wouldn't feel any sympathy, however if you do, then I feel great admiration towards you, and I wish you a happy, blessed life.
If one could truly feel empathy for a monster, that person is either a monster themselves, or a very sympathetic person...maybe too sympathetic..

The first time I ever encountered him was a long time ago, yet I remeber, of course I do, how could one ever forget?

He was dressed simply, back then I would've made a joke about how hes the typical Ted Bundy rip off, yet the more I learn, the more I understand that the man in black, is truly an odd man, with no empathy for any being, human or animal.

He wore a long black coat, I've never been made aware of what he wore beneath that black piece of fabric, it looked soft, maybe it was. Maybe under it, he had knives, perhaps under it was the same knife that he used to cut off the face of the man I loved dearly infront of my very eyes....

If I go into that hole of nostalgia and melancholy, I fear I'll never return, so I won't dive deeper.

The sky was dark, and it fit very well with the day, for the day too held very little light..., the stars were few, and they only appeared if you looked hard enough...the man's voice.

The voice I hate, the one that feels me with disgust as I remeber it, was low, and scratchy, as if he had a sore throat, which perhaps he did after I punched him...I regret that action, but then again, I regret alot,

Just remeber this; be weary of men dressed in black, especially ones you see in the middle of the night while on a walk with your lover...

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