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Hello everyone as I'm traveling so in free time I decided to do a Q & A  about the story

You can ask me any doubts about the story if you have I'll answer you all

I'll answer some top comments question

Why making Payu a villan?
No I'm not making him Villan as you see his character was like that from the start, I'm just showing his character as more complex.

Does Payu has and Backstory for his behavior?
No he doesn't not all narcissist have a backstory. Sometimes people are like that and he was born in a very rich family so he got everthing he wanted, can be said spoiled in love.
Payu and Pai both definitely have narcissist traits in one it shows more than the other .

Both wants the things to be done by their way either normally or forcefully.
Payu reacts more aggressive than pai I say cause he got this genetics from dad (yes some habits or illness or talent do pass on through genetics  you can read case study on from some good gene books. Cause I love using study related things to include in my stories too)
So I would say most of the attitude or habits you'll see will match to old Vegas

Removing Mingyu from the story??
Please stop commenting to remove Mingyu from the story, I'm sorry cause I won't he is as important as other leads he is important for the plots in the story ahead, to be real when I introduced him I didn't know if I could make him fit him in the story well or not but it turns out he was really good.
And I also wanted to show the story of an adopted child, I wanted to show adoption can be really beautiful , they could also be happy they could also feel wanted and loved plus i also wanted to show all the struggles of an adopted child about his feelings insecurities adjustment etc.

When will the Love story start?
First of all if you think I'm partial then listen, I'll say both of the couple  has very different dynamics for Payu Rain I really don't want to force emotions still if you see from the start of the story lot of things has definitely changed though  Rain is scared but still there is definitely Suttle changes between them, and I make him fall immediately like some fluff stories when I already said that it's dark romance genre
Still you want to know ill say major changes you'll see after their marriage and marriage track is Starting very soon most probably 3 or 4 chap
Even for pai Sky their emotions are at very initial stage one mistake can ruin everything, why I showed major changes in them Cause pai isn't aggressive as Payu
While completing with ice he Unknowingly got attracted to Sky and Speed was fuel in the fire for them so😗😗

Why does Sky still affected from Nature's death when almost everyone moved on?
Everyone has different trauma responses you can see that in real life too
Some cope well some don't
And Sky was very young too at that time so he has affected the most cause it was too much for a child to process everything ( children brain are still developing and incidents like this can effect on the mind way too much than the adult so studies say children are more prone to such traumas and can carry them long in their life )
That's why Sky still haven't moved on from Nature's death

Now do you have any other questions you can as me in the comments section

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